Chapter Fifteen

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David relaxes on sofa with Snow as they watch TV in silence, enjoying the movie and their hot chocolate. David looks at Snow softly and smiles to himself then once he looks back at the TV, Snow looks at him wondering why David is here with her when they just split up but she really misses him. 

"David? Why are you really here?" Snow asked softly

"I was just worried about you... You scared us all..." David tells her calmly in his sweet tone

"I know.. and i'm sorry.. I.. I am not going to touch a drink.. I'll be strong and i will move on" Snow nods softly as she looks into David's eyes

"To be honest..." David replies, slightly hesitating before continuing on. "I really miss you. I may not want to get right back together, but I still care about you a lot and I want to see you doing okay. I know I didn't exactly make things easy when we broke up and I'm not sure that I made the right decision by ending things, but I want to take things slowly and sort them out."

"Really..." Snow says, looking at David softly, feeling confused to what David really wants. "I miss you too... and I know things haven't really been easy for us, but I really do want to try and figure this all out. I just... don't want to rush anything because it feels like there's still a lot of things that need to be cleared up here before we go back to the way things were before."

"I know, I feel the same way, I want to take things slow and just figure it all out first. But I also think we should really talk it out and just be honest with each other. There's a lot of feelings here that we need to discuss. I do still care about you so much and I want... I want us to be okay again. We're still a family and I don't want us to fall apart." David explained softly

"I don't want to be messed around again. When I look at you now, I think "Where's my real Prince Charming?" Snow asked, feeling emotional as he looks into his eyes with everything that's been going on

"Snow, please, that's not fair." David could feel a little hurt by this but he kept himself composed and tried to be understanding towards Snow. "I admit that I messed up and made some mistakes with Toni, but I truly only care about you. I love you and want us to be fine again. Please just don't make things more difficult than they have to be."

"Well. I messed up too, I'm sorry.. not everything was your fault" Snow sighs, sipping her hot chocolate "David, who do you really want? Really? Me or Toni? Because you seem to can't make a choice and stick to it?" Snow continued 

"Let's not go there Snow..." David replies softly, not wanting to get into that argument again with her. "I already told you, it was not the way you're making it seem. I made my choice when I came back to you, and I'm sticking with that choice. If you can just trust me on this, then we'll be okay."

"So you have finally chosen me? That's why you're here?" Snow says softly, she does want this to work as she can't help still loving him

"Yes, I choose you... I chose you because I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. And now I want us to just be able to focus on us and make things right. I'm here because I want this to work. And I hope you know that I mean it when I say that I want to take things slow and work through them together." David tries his best to explain, feeling his heart open

"Is this because i nearly died and now you feel sorry for me?" Snow asked sarcastically

"Snow... Please and no, course not!" David sighs firmly

"I really would like to have a fresh start though.. Maybe we should go away for a long break? I'm not rushing anything but it's an idea" Snow thought as she still really loves David

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