Chapter Two

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It's a beautiful Sunny morning, birds singing and the city is starting to wake up. The only ones that are in the Mansion are Regina, Snow, David, Emma and Killian. Where is Neal, Henry and Hope? Is everyone else in New York somewhere or have they disappeared?

Snow slowly opens her eyes, hearing the sounds of birds singing.. She turns to David who is so peaceful asleep, she smiles and snuggles up to him. She doesn't notice where she is yet. Neal and Hope would be ten years old by now, they would have their own room. Henry would be about 18. Mary wakes up properly, sits up in bed and does a big stretch. She feels something is wrong and looks round the room. She suddenly feels confused. She gets out of bed and walks round.. She kept thinking, she was just on sofa with David and giggling at Neal doing a funny dance move.. Snow began to walk round the house and wondering where Neal is, she looked in every room. She starts to panic abit.

"Oh my god.. What is happening??" Snow whispered

Snow runs back to the bedrooms, noticed Regina, Emma and Killan but no sign of Hope and Henry either. She feels tears in her eyes and runs outside, looking round, seeing that they are in the forest. She then hears a city, so she checks it out and realises that they're in an different world. She runs back inside and rushes to wake David up.

"David? David?! Wake up.." Snow rubs his arms as she cries

"Honey.. What's up..?" David whispered as he yawns, he felt really tired

"You really need to wake up.. David.. I think we've been cursed!" Snow tells him

"What?! What do you mean?" David wakes up quickly and looks at Snow, seeing her tears scrolling down her cheeks. David wipes her tears and realises the room looks completely different as he looks round.

"Where are we?" David wondered

"New York" Snow answered emotionally

"New York? How? We were in StoryBrooke.." David sighs, feeling confused

"I know, i know but that's not just it! We're in this big mansion.. Everyone has gone apart from us, Emma, Killian and Regina.. I don't know where Hope, Henry and Neal is, im so scared" Snow panics and talks fast, holding David's hands

"Neal, Henry and Hope is gone? Oh my god.. We have to find them.. Hey, Snow.. I am scared too but You are strong, we have fought in every curse, we have always come out stronger and we always win.. Okay?" David holds her cheeks emotionally with his hands, trying to comfort her

"What if something happened? I thought we got a happy ending. It's never going to stop is it?" Snow cries, feeling David's love.

"They could be anywhere in New York.. We'll wake Emma, Killian and Regina up, then we'll go and find them" David tries to be strong for Snow and he starts to get changed as he looks through his drawers.

"Regina.. She's going to be heartbroken when she wakes up and finds out that Henry has gone... What if this changes her.. We hardly know New York, there's alot of different rules here! We have no money, no job.. " Snow thinks of Regina and realises they're in a different sort of world

"It won't change her.. We'll support her. Emma and Killian too. We'll find a way round New York, we found a way when we was cursed in StoryBrooke. Let's pretend that we're new people who just wanted a new life in New York, we have to act normal.. and keep looking for our kids, okay?" David explains, hoping everything will work out

"Who created this curse? Who sent us here? It can't have been Rumple, he's dead. Zelena, she's on holiday, it can't be her! Who would want to seperate us?" Snow wondered

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