Chapter Fourteen

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It is midnight and Regina is sitting beside Snow and she can't stop watching her. She starts to feel tears and thinking Snow looks so peaceful. Regina takes a deep breath and starts to ring DavidRegina dials David's number, feeling anxious and frightened. She has barely slept since this has happened, and she really needs him by her side, supporting her in this difficult time. She is hoping and praying that David picks up and is available, because she really needs his presence and support right now.

"David, please pick up the phone," Regina says, holding her breath as she waits for the phone to pick up. She really needs to speak to David right now, and she's feeling very vulnerable and scared right now.

No answer.. 

"David, please just pick the phone up..." Regina says, feeling quite agitated now. The line is still ringing, and she feels like she's going to burst out into tears any minute.

Regina is starting to come to this realization, that most people might be asleep right now. That makes it harder for her to get David on the phone, which is very frustrating for her. She really needs to speak to him right now, and no one else is picking up the phone. She's starting to get a bit panicked.

Finally, after what feels like ages, the phone gets picked up by David. Regina quickly notices that there is background noise like a rustling noise, and David is clearly talking in a groggy tone of voice, like he's half-asleep.

"David, you need to wake up! This is an emergency, it's Regina here. Please, it's really important!" Regina says, trying to be loud and urgent in her tone of voice, despite the fact that David is half-asleep. She's feeling very nervous, and all she wants is for David to listen to her and wake up immediately.

"Look, Regina.... I'm half-asleep here, can you please... just call me later?" David mutters, sounding very groggy and half-asleep. Regina quickly realizes that she's not going to be able to get through to David, who seems very tired and unwilling to wake up.

"David, Snow is in the hospital and she is in a coma! She is very unstable, and I need you to come here immediately, because I don't know what else to do!" Regina's voice breaks, being straightforward 

David suddenly is awakened by the suddenness of Regina's voice, and he snaps out of his sleepy mood and comes fully awake.

"...What? What the hell are you talking about?! Snow is in a coma?? Oh God... oh my god... Regina... I'll be there in just five minutes, I'm coming right over there, okay??" David says shakily

David rushes through his room, quickly getting dressed and making his way out the door. He quickly shuts the door behind him, barely waiting a second before rushing outside to get to the car. He hurries to his car, quickly opening the door and getting in. The last thing David is thinking about now is safety or traffic laws, and he quickly starts his car, driving away as quickly as he can, hoping that he'll make it to the hospital soon.

David rushes through the roads, trying his best to drive fast but also stay focused on the road. He doesn't want to get into any accidents at this time, and he's really panicking right now because of everything going on. David finally arrives at the hospital, and he speeds into the parking lot and parks his car. He jumps out of the car, almost without even turning it off or closing the door, and he sprints toward the entrance. David rushes inside, not wasting any time at all. He asks the nurses at the front desk where he needs to go, and they quickly direct him to the floor where Snow is. He asks them if he can go inside and see Snow, and they let him in.

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