Chapter Ten

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Snow lays on her bed and takes a breath, then takes out her phone and texts Regina.

"Regina, I need you... can you stay with me tonight? I... I'm not really feeling well right now." She sends the text and then stares at her screen while she waits for Regina to reply.

"Of course, Snow," Regina texts back. "I'll come over right now. Hang in there, love. I'll be with you soon."

Snow sighs and places her phone down on the bedside table, and she stares up at the ceiling. She waits for Regina, who should be coming over soon. And she tries to forget about the pain in her heart for just a little while. Snow wipes her tears away and takes a deep breath. She makes sure that Neal is in bed, and then she prepares two glasses of wine, waiting for Regina to arrive.

She sips her wine and listens to the clock on the living room wall.. The doorbell rings, breaking the silence, and Snow sighs softly and walks over to the front door.

She opens the door and smiles at Regina, and then steps back to let her in.

"It's good to see you, Regina. Can I offer you a glass of wine?" Snow smiles again and closes the front door.

"Yes, of course, thanks Snow." Regina nods and smiles at Snow.

She follows Snow into the living room and takes her to the table where the two glasses of wine are waiting.

"I'm glad you invited me over again, Snow." Regina sighs and takes a glass of wine.

Snow nods softly, trying to smile then breaks down into tears, like she couldn't control herself and can't stop crying.

Regina looks at Snow with surprise as tears start streaming down Snow's eyes. She quickly takes Snow's hand and holds it softly.

"Snow?" Regina says softly. "What is it? What's wrong?"

She looks at Snow with a look of concern on her face, and she tries to comfort her as best as she can. "Tell me... what's wrong?"

"David... he doesn't love me anymore, Regina. He... he's left me... and he's in love with someone else, Regina." Snow takes a deep breath and looks down onto the floor

"Wait.. What??" Regina says in shock, can't believe what she is hearing

"He isn't happy" Snow wipes her tears

"How is that possible? David loves you and he'd never leave you.. That is not like him! I am so sorry Snow" Regina holds her hand, feeling shocked

"I know, Regina... I know... he always said he loved me. But... tonight, he told me the truth." Snow looks up at Regina with tears in her eyes and sighs softly.

"And he's in love with someone else? How is that possible? We only just arrived... How can he do this?" Regina says, feeling confused

"He told me.. He met her in a pub and he liked her, he already planned to meet her again" Snow cries even more

"Oh god! Snow, i am so sorry....." Regina sighed deeply

"What should i do?" Snow asked, sipping her drink

"I have no idea.. Maybe give it a day or two but i can't believe David.. Something must of changed him? I am so angry at him that he would do this to you.." Regina sighed, sipping her wine

"I know... I can't believe David would ever do this to me, either. But... but he said he's not happy. He feels like something's missing..." Snow sighs softly and nods her head.

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