Chapter Eight

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Snow looks back at David, feeling a bit caught off guard and nervous. She hadn't expected for David to find the memory potion so soon and she wasn't quite sure how she would proceed. She needs to think on her feet and figure out a way to explain why she has this and to convince David to drink it...

"Well?" David asked firmly

"It's nothing.. It's one of my medicine" Snow lied, feeling bad, it just came out

"Really? Don't lie.. I know what medicine looks like... It looks like poison to me.. I don't understand" David wondered, feeling confused

"It's not what you think.. David, listen to me. This potion, it's not what it seems. It's not poison, trust me. This is a potion, that is meant to help you remember our past, to help you recall our shared history together." Snow tries to explain

"A potion to remember our shared history together?" David says, still sounding confused. "I don't understand, Snow. Why do you have this, whatever it is? Why are you giving it to me now? I think you need to explain this better." David looks at Snow with a serious expression

"You weren't meant to find it.. I forgot to pick it up.. I wanted to wait for the right moment and explain.. Please don't let this destroy our relationship.." Snow feels tears in her eyes, hoping he trusts her

"Snow, what are you talking about? I don't understand. And why was this potion here in the first place? You didn't just 'forget' about it. No, wait, don't tell me you were planning this the entire time, without telling me." David's voice is becoming louder and more suspicious. He still doesn't believe that the potion is meant to help him remember, and he also doesn't understand why Snow has kept this secret from him for so long.

"It's alot to take in.. I know... I wanted to spend time with you.." Snow sighed, finding it difficult to explain

"Did you plan this? The moment we met? Did you even love me? What happened between us, it's fake? Were you trying to poison me? I don't really know if i could trust you, unless you give me a really good explanation!" David raises his voice, feeling heartbroken and dissapointed at the same time

"David, no! I swear, I would never do something like that. I did love you, I do love you. That was never fake. And I wasn't trying to poison you, I swear. But if you don't believe me, then just drink this potion. It will help you remember, and then you'll understand why I had to keep this from you." Snow tries to stay calm and collected, but she can feel herself starting to become a bit emotional. David's reaction is hurting her and she doesn't want to feel like he doesn't trust her!

"Snow, I can't do this" David says defiantly, shaking his head. He has had enough of the drama and he is not willing to drink the memory potion just yet. Snow tries to explain that she just wants to help him remember their past, but David is not ready to accept or trust her yet.

David walks out of the room, needing to get some fresh air. Snow watches him leave, feeling frustrated and disappointed that she hasn't been able to convince him to take the potion.

But Snow doesn't give up easily. She follows David outside and catches up to him as he takes a few breaths of fresh air.

"Snow.. I told you.. Leave me alone" David sighed deeply

"David, wait a second, please." She asks, speaking softly and calmly, trying to get his attention without making too much noise. "Let's talk about this. I know it's hard, but please just hear me out. I know you don't believe me yet, but if we just talk, I think I can explain everything to you and convince you to take the potion. Do you want to do that?"

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