Chapter Twenty Two

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The next morning, the sun is out and the birds were singing, Rumple enjoyed just listening to them and being under the sun, he really missed that feeling. The group packed up their camp, a collective determination to return to their homes. As they hit the road, Rumple's quiet demeanor was palpable. His eyes were distant, and his body still trembled slightly from the ordeal he had endured.

Snow, David, Toni, Bae, and Gideon surrounded him, silently supporting him with their presence. David even draped his jumper over Rumple's shoulders, a small gesture of warmth in the chilly morning air.

Once they arrived at Snow and David's home, they ushered Rumple in, their concern for his well-being evident. They settled him gently onto the comfortable sofa, the familiarity of the surroundings meant to provide a sense of comfort and security.

The first ray of sunshine pierced through the windows, casting a gentle glow around Rumple as he quietly sat on the sofa. The room was silent, the only sound coming from the soft breaths of the group sitting nearby. Everyone was wrapped in their own thoughts, the events of the past few hours weighing heavily on their minds.

Snow finally broke the silence, her voice soft but filled with worry. "Rumple, would you like some breakfast? You must be hungry."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, all wanting to help Rumple regain his strength after being in a dungeon for a year.

Rumple looked up, his eyes meeting Snow's. He hesitated for a moment, the idea of food strangely unappealing after going so long without it "I don't... feel like eating anything"

Snow nodded understandingly, knowing that Rumple's feelings were valid. "That's okay," she said softly. "How about we start with something light, like a bowl of oatmeal? It's easy to digest, and it will give you some energy."

They brought over a bowl of oatmeal, steaming and aromatic with just a hint of sweetness from the honey and berries sprinkled on top. Snow placed it gently in front of Rumple, offering him a spoon. Rumple looked at the bowl, feeling a mixture of apprehension and gratitude. He slowly took the spoon, stirring the oats gently. The scents wafting up were comforting, but his stomach seemed to churn, unable to fathom the thought of consuming anything.

However, knowing that they were all looking at him in anticipation, he took a tentative bite. The oatmeal was creamy and smooth, the sweetness of the toppings helping to coax his taste buds. He swallowed, feeling the nourishment start to fill his stomach little by little.

Snow and the others watched encouragingly as Rumple took another bite and then another, gradually making his way through the bowl. The oatmeal was easy on his system, providing the sustenance he needed without overwhelming him.

With each spoonful, Rumple felt a little strength returning to his body. The nourishment helped to calm his shaken nerves and ease the hollow feeling in his stomach. 

"Do you think we should ring Belle to let her know that he's home safe?" Snow asked Toni, giving Rumple a cup of tea

"Belle has been beside herself with worry for months. It would mean the world to her to know that Dad is safe and back home." Toni's face lit up with a gentle smile.

"No... I don't want Belle to see me like this.." Rumple sighs as he hears their conversation 

"Don't worry, Rumple. We won't say anything until you're ready." Snow notices Rumple's reluctance and nods understandingly.

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