😒 Betrayal 🫥

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Hi guys,
I discovered Wednesday the 15th of November, 2023 that my husband of 6 years has been cheating on me. - With a former crush.
We're getting a divorce.
My brain is so very, very scattered right now and I have a drs appointment on November 27th for my RNS.
I would have updated by now but... Well, I keep repeating myself, can't sleep, nightmares.
I'm going to therapy soon.

However all in all, I'm holding up pretty well.
I'm taking this better than my grandma's passing.

He began cheating last summer, and well that's when things started to fall apart.
It's a long story.

I'll update when my mind & body allow it 💓.
~ I promise that this book will get finished!!! ~

- Ashley

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