Sena Ambar Ména Et Awa (The World Is Out There)

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"Get some sleep, all of you." He ordered.
As I was going to find a spot to sleep, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me aside.
"How do you know that song?" Thorin questioned.
"All Dwarves know that song." I explained.
His eyes narrowed.
"Your a half-breed. Elemental and Dwarven."
'Elvish too, but lets not tell him that.' I thought.
"Yes, your correct."
"Who are your parents?"
"I'd rather not say. It's a touchy subject. Lets just say that one parent left when I was young, and I wasn't welcome where I was born."
Thorin nodded. "Get some rest."
"Good night, Thorin."


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'Hello everyone!'
* italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. Run!
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well met.*


I awoke to the smell of freshly made breakfast. My nose picked up the smell of sausages right away. Sighing with the delicious scent, I got up and walked towards it.
Bombur had food, bowls and spoons spread out around him, rations from our trip no doubt.
Bofur soon walked up to me once it was done.
"Here yah go lass. We've been waitin' for you to rise."
I smiled, "thank you, Bofur."
"And thank you for making everyone breakfast, Bombur."
He nodded in my direction with a smile. "I'm a cook lass, 'tis no problem."

Taking my portion, I sat next to the brothers Fili and Kili.
"Morning, Theia." Fili greeted once he swallowed.
"Good morning, Fili, Kili. Did you sleep well?"
"Aye, I know I did. Haven't slept that well in months." Kili spoke.
"Me neither. Sure beats the hard ground!" Fili smiled.
"Well, it looks like I have some adjusting to do, eh?" I asked them.
"You've never traveled the wilds?" Kili asked.
"Nay, I've spent my years in Rivendell." I explained, taking a bite of the sausage.
"What's it like?" Kili questioned, curious.
"Peaceful, quiet, easy to concentrate." I said.
"Are the Elves their nice?" Fili asked me.
"Oh yes, they wouldn't harm a fly unless they had absolutely no choice."
Soon, everyone finished eating. And it was time to head out.

It seemed as if Bilbo wouldn't be joining us.

I silently thought 'perhaps I could be the burglar. Yes, I am part Dwarf but maybe my Elemental side will be strong enough to beat him.'

I changed into more suitable traveling clothes, strapped on my weapons and my rucksack to my back. The Dwarves, Gandalf and I would have to travel to Bree for our horses or ponies.

After a long walk with small chatter, we made it to Bree. The Dwarves went off to buy a few things such as more provisions. While I stayed with Gandalf and my horse, Nyx.

When we were on the road Dori started to complain, "I said it. Didn't I say it? Coming here was a waste of time."
Gloin agreed, "That's true enough."
"Ridiculous notion. Use a Hobbit? A Halfling? Whose idea was it anyway?"
I shook my head. "Hey, at least you have an Elemental on your side who can be the Burglar for you!" I pitched in, turning several heads.
"Out of the question. Smaug will smell you coming, Theia." Thorin ordered.
"And so what if he does? We have to kill him some how. I doubt it'll work without Smaug waking up. I'm willing to die for my kin." I spoke.
'My family.' I thought.
Some cheered, Gandalf grumbled, Thorin protested even more.
Betting soon started afterwards, on whether Bilbo would come or not.

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