Uswë (Escape)

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A guard passed, restraining Adad. He glared daggers at Legolas, then me.
I took in a deep breath.
"He knows." Legolas whispered.
"I've never seen that much hatred in his eyes..." Looking at the way he went.
Soon, I heard mom yelling at him. - They shared a cell.
"Well, your mother isn't pleased with your father to say the least." Legolas said, amused.
"It appears not..."
"Will we get out of here, Legolas?" I asked quietly.
Over his shoulder and down, I saw Kili and the red head.
Laughing quietly to myself "It seems like Kili and the red head have the same situation."
"Tauriel?" He asked.
"Yes, I suppose."
"You do know that if we really wanted to, my mom could break us out of here..." I whispered.
"Yes, I'm aware of that. But she won't."
"Why do you say that?"
He looked at me, smiling.
"Two reasons. You and I. Kili and Tauriel. All of us have to start a bond."


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'here's a chapter for you guys!'
* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: footsteps could be heard.
* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*
📝: Happy 2020! 🎉

Over the next few days, people would find both Kíli and Tauriel, and Legolas and I bonding. It gave both of us, the ones stuck in cells something to do.

The more I talked to this Ellon, *male elf* the more I liked him. It was beginning to feel as if I knew Legolas for ages. Not days. I could tell it hurt him that I was stuck in here. That we couldn't walk around and talk. I couldn't show him my powers, he couldn't show me his archery. We were limited to words. When guards came and questioned him or Tauriel being near us he'd answer "move along." In his powerful, Royalty voice. - One not to be messed with.

We spent many days together, and often times he snuck good food to me, and passed some to Tauriel to give to Kili even. My mother noticed this, which gave Legolas a bit more respect.

However, one day neither Tauriel nor Legolas were seen.

Legolas POV
I led Tauriel into a long abandoned room, I knew it was hurting her to see Kili in that cell, as it was I, to see Theia in hers.
I paced. Something I did when stressed.
The feelings I might have had for Tauriel were long gone.
"My friend, whats wrong?" She asked.
"We need to get the Dwarves out of here, out of their cells. Do you not agree?"
Tauriel looked shocked for a moment, but nodded.
"Yes, they cannot be left here to rot as our King wishes. It t'is wrong."
"It hurts to see Theia caged."
"Does it not hurt you to see Kili like that?" Legolas asked.
Tauriel looked at the ground, "It does. I know we are bonded, but he deserves to be with his kin."
"Tauriel, if this is what the Valar have planned, you shouldn't deny it."
"Our King has accepted me, taken me in for nearly 300 years. Am I suppose to just throw that away?" She questioned.
"For love? Yes." He answered.
"The King, my father doesn't like the idea that I've bonded. But I'll stick to her side til the end of days."

"So what must we do, Legolas?" She questioned.
"The Feast of Starlight is tonight, there will be drunk Elves and empty barrels. Dwarves are short, some will have to bunk with one another. But they should be able to escape by the barrels sent to Lake Town. We will catch up afterwards."
Little did they know a Hobbit was listening.
A cough came from behind them.
Hey both drew out a dagger.
Bilbo's hands went up in a defensive move immediately.
"I mean no harm, I promise. I'm Bilbo Baggins, friends of the Dwarves."
The two elves slowly lowered their weapons.
"Your plan is brilliant, though I must say how will I escape?"
The two looked at one another... "You could follow after the barrels roll down the ramp, little Hobbit." Tauriel suggested.
"Ah...Okay." Bilbo agreed.
"I'll wait in the room for you two and the dwarves."
Legolas's eyebrows furrowed. "How will you not be seen?"
"...I have my ways."

~*~*~*~ End Legolas POV ~*~*~*~

Later that night, Tauriel snuck the keys out from the guards noses and raced up the steps silently, Legolas was hidden in the shadows and grabbed her arm, leading her from cell to cell.

The dwarves were muttering how they'd never get out of here in time, they had no idea.

Legolas and Tauriel appeared at Thorin and Amara's cell first.
"What do you want, Princling?" Thorin spat.
Legolas smiled, holding the keys.
"Thorin, be nice." Amara sighed.
"We're here to set you free. You're little friend is waiting for you."
Thorin stood, not completely sure that this wasn't a trap.
"How can we trust you?" He asked, eyes narrow.
"Would I hurt the family of my bonded?" Legolas questioned.
Amara knew for a fact he wouldn't.
"Thorin, this is no trap."
The cell was then unlocked.

Legolas went to Theia's next, hugging her.
"Why are you risking the wrath of your King?"
"Because, it's worth it." He replied.
"Thank you, Legolas."
She followed her mother and father as the two elves unlocked more shocked Dwarves long the way.

They started heading up, towards the party.
"This way." Tauriel spoke.
"But that's further into the mountain!"
"Trust her." Amara ordered.
The dwarves were silent, no protests.
Once through all the twists and turns of the Kingdom of Mirkwood, Tauriel and Legolas silently led them into the chamber where the wine and ale was. Empty barrels.
Drunk elves.
'Good.' Legolas thought.
Mid snore from a dark haired elf, he made everyone pause.

"This is a trap! You've led us further in, how can we escape now?" Bofur nearly yelled.
"It is no trap, Bofur." Bilbo stated, appearing from seemingly nowhere.
"Bilbo!" Many whisper-shouted.
"Shhh, they may wake."
"How will we escape?" Thorin asked the Hobbit.
"In the barrels."
Theia was the first one to get in a barrel.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" She asked.
"Some of you will have to group together." Tauriel informed.
Kili got in the barrel with Theia, Thorin with Amara.
"What about Bilbo?" Amara asked.
"We have a way for him to escape, don't worry."
"What do we do now?" Bofur questioned, popping his head out.
"...Hold your breath." Bilbo stated.
"Hold my...?" Bofur began to say before shouts of "whoooa! And "ahhh!" Were heard.
Legolas quickly ushered Bilbo to where he should stand, and he fell backwards.

"Now, to catch up with our new friends." He stated.
"Weapons first, perhaps?" Tauriel suggested.
Legolas nodded. "Lets be quick, and silent."

Hey everyone!
So, I know you've been waiting ages and Thank You for being very patient with me! 💜

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