Lúmë (Time)

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"Gandalf and myself will keep you safe until you can reunite with your kin." She promised.
"My thanks." Thráin spoke sincerely

We began leaving this retched place, myself leaning on Lady Galadriel. But we did not get far...


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'What do they have planned?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: silence. Pure silence...

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*


"You are not alone Mithrandir." Gandalf heard in his mind. The Lady Galadriel.
She had walked into this foul place alone. She was powerful yes, but powerful enough to take on Sauron? He hadn't regained full strength thank the heavens.

"Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of stone...
Nine for mortal men doomed to die."
She copied the voice.

"You cannot fight the shadow.
Even now you fade.
One light...
Alone in the Darkness." It spoke.
"I am not alone." The Lady Galadriel replied.

Elrond steps out from around a corner, dressed in elven armor he unsheathed his sword ready for battle.

Next, Saruman appeared dressed in white.
"Are you in need of assistance, my lady?" He asks.
Looking around him, the wraiths got angry at those words.

"You should've stayed dead!" Elrond yells, attacking the creatures.
Saruman follows suit.

Lady Galadriel hovered over the Grey Wizard, Gandalf. He was oddly still.
Thráin not far behind Galadriel.
"Mithrandir, come back." She whispered, kissing his forehead.
He gasped, breathing.

"He..is here." Gandalf tried to warn.
Galadriel nodded "Yes. The darkness has returned."
A sled pulled up.
"Gandalf!" Radagast shouted.
"Gandalf, climb on!"
He did as told, making sure Thráin got on the sled as well.

"He is weak, he cannot remain here. It is draining his life."Galadriel explained.
"Quickly!" She shouted.
Gandalf grasped Lady Galadriel's hand. "Come with me, my Lady."
She pulled away, Galadriel had to fight these creatures off.
"Go!" She yelled, using magic.

"It has begun. The East will fall. So shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise. The time of the Elves is over. The Age of the Orc has come." Sauron hissed.
Lady Galadriel rose to her feet, now a eerie color of dark grey and green.
A light blast from her hand.
"You have no power here servant of Morgoth." She spoke with authority.
"You are nameless.
Go back to the void.
From whence you came!"
She spoke, using nearly all her magic.

"We were deceived." Elrond informed her. She shook her head.
"The spirit of Sauron endured." She spoke, drained. Now dressed in white.
"And has been banished." Saruman stated.

"He will flee into the East." She spoke.
"Gondor should be warned." Elrond advised. "They must set a watch on the walls of Mordor."

"No. Look after the Lady Galadriel. She has spent much of her power. Her strength is failing. Take her to Lothlorien." Saruman ordered Elrond.
"My Lord Saruman, he must be hunted down and destroyed once and for all." Elrond replied.

"Without the Ring of Power...Sauron can never again hold dominion over Middle-Earth.
Go now, leave Sauron to me."

The sled arrived not too long later, at Radagast's cottage. Gandalf climbed out. Thráin following shortly.

"I need a horse." Gandalf spoke.
Radagast was quite confused "Gandalf, where are you going?"
"To warn Erebor. They have no idea what is coming. I saw them with my own eyes, rank upon rank of Moria Orcs. You must summon our friends, bird and beast. The battle for the mountain is about to begin." Gandalf explained.

Gandalf galloped towards Erebor at full speed Thráin with him on a Pony.

Arriving, he yelled to those in his way to "Move! Get out of the way!"
He needed to speak with who over was in charge.

Finding Bard, they were led to a tent which had Thranduil in it also. The four talked.
"You need to set aside your petty grievances with the Dwarves. War is coming! The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. You're all in mortal danger." Gandalf informed them.
"What are you talking about? And who is your friend?" Bard asked.
"This is Thráin, son of Thror. He was held prisoner by Azog in Dol Guldur."

"I can see you know nothing of Wizards, Bard. They are like winter thunder on a wild wind. Rolling in from a distance, breaking hard in alarm. But sometimes, a storm is just a storm." Thranduil gave his input.

"Not, this time." Gandalf insisted.
"Armies of Orcs are on the move. These are fighters They have been bred for war. Our enemy has summoned his full strength." Gandalf spoke.
"Why show his hand now?" Thranduil asked, bored.

"Because we forced him. We forced him when the company of Thorin Oakenshield set out to reclaim their homeland." Gandalf replied,
"The Dwarves were never meant to reach Erebor. Azog the Defiler was sent to kill them. His master seeks control of the Mountain. Not just for the treasure within. But for where it lies, it's strategic position. This is the gateway to reclaiming the lands of Angmar in the North. If that fell kingdom should rise again...
Rivendell, Lorien, The Shire...Even Gondor itself will fall." Gandalf explained.

"These Orc armies you speak of, Mithrandir, where are they?" Thranduil questioned.
Gandalf sighed.

"I can shed light on that. They use the tunnels that have long been forgotten." Thráin spoke.
"Tunnels you say?" Thranduil questioned.
"Yes, I have over heard them speak of them. They will be arriving soon."

"Since when has my council counted for so little?" Gandalf asked, annoyed.
"What do you think we're trying to do?" Gandalf asked.

"I think you're trying to save your Dwarvish friends, and I admire your loyalty to them. But it does not dissuade me from my course. You started this, Mithrandir. You will forgive me if I finish it." Thranduil spoke.
"Are the archers in position?" He asked a guard.
"Yes, my Lord."
"Give the order. If anything moves of that Mountain... Kill it." Thranduil ordered.
The guard nodded and walked away.
"The Dwarves are out of time." He stated.

Thrain was afraid for his son. His kin. Right now, the safest spot was by Gandalf.

"And they say we're stubborn. Pig-headed." Thrain muttered, walking away from the tent.
"Thranduil is driven by his hatred for Dwarves." Gandalf replied following Thrain.

They were all out of time. - Thranduil just hadn't realized it, yet.

2nd update today, yay! I'd do a 3rd but it's getting late and I need some sleep 😏 - plus I had a seizure which made me spill my dinner.
lets see what tomorrow brings!

- Note 📝  So, I've been "re-reading/editing" chapters and uhm, discovered a few "Saruman" which should've been "Sauron" 🤦‍♀️
Anyone else think that the names are too similar!?
Anyways~ chapter is edited, Thráin is in it more and well it's writing itself as usual.

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