18- Prison?

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"Bhai," I peeked through gap of the study door, "I needed to talk to you," The eerie in my heart couldn't settle when I saw him leaving his bedroom and instead settling in study, it was just so wrong

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"Bhai," I peeked through gap of the study door, "I needed to talk to you," The eerie in my heart couldn't settle when I saw him leaving his bedroom and instead settling in study, it was just so wrong. His wife must've been waiting for him.

"Come in," I stepped inside, he was sitting on the chair behind the massive table, a book in front of him, a glass of amber liquid on a side, "it is late, why aren't you asleep yet?" He closed the book, sipped the rest of the liquid.

"I don't know, just couldn't sleep." I played with the hem of my night dress. He treated me like child with an innocent heart and I respected him immensely, we never had the typical relation of siblings who stole each other's foods and bantered on every topic, if we had anything, it was- we saved the last piece for the other person.
I did not know, how to talk about his married life.

Fingers rhythmically tapped on the wooden surface, my sight moved to my brother. "About what?" His gaze shone with questions.

My hands moved in air, vividly, pulled them back when, his brows crinkled further, "I mean, whatever happened earlier," tongue darted out to lick the dryness of my lips, "it shouldn't have happened and-"

"I have talked to Niharika," he stood up from the chair, "you don't have to worry about it."

"Bhai but," his stern gaze quietened me down.

He placed a hand on my head, "go to sleep." Soon he was out the double door, my head fell back on the headrest of the couch. It was so wrong. Perhaps, I might be over analysing the incident, but the newly wed must have felt so insulted in front of all the guests and the family.

It was our step mother's fault, perhaps it could have been a wrong by my end. But, Niharika, she wasn't wrong, she didn't do anything to be condemned by her husband or anyone else. If she did anything

I reached to my bed, gulping down a glass of water along with my thoughts, I tried to call it a night. Tiredness and sadness had taken over my mind. My eyes hurt with a dire need to sleep. I could not sleep for some hours when the series of past events ran in my mind.

 I could not sleep for some hours when the series of past events ran in my mind

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Secrets of the Rose and Thorn: A tale of Strength and WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now