Heart thudded in chest

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Heart thudded in chest. My sibling hated certain things, if it happened, the outcome wasn't pleasant. Hushed, calculated steps, I stopped on my track, "Hi bhai," His onyx eyes, poker, as usual.

He placed a hand on my head, my eyes shut and opened back. "How was your lunch?" He jammed a hand in pocket.

I nodded, "it was good,"

"Koi pareshaani toh nahi hui?"I couldn't comprehend why this question was asked, I answered neither less.

("I hope you didn't face a problem there?")

"Nahi bhai," My palms clasped around his pocketed forearm, "aapne khana khaya?" His usually unreadable eyes, neither could I read the onyx irises this time.

("No, you had your lunch?")

"Mhhm," He checked his phone, "Did somebody came there, anyone from the Oberoi's?"


Features turned hard, "Karan Oberoi?"

My head shook, "His older son," my tongue darted out to damp my lips.

"He said something?" My brother hid what had on his mind perfectly. No one understand where a talk was going.

My head jiggled in denial, "he just asked the staff not take the bill from us,"

He nodded, "Don't go to that place again," a tint of warn present in his tone.

"Okay," I could have myself to ask what was the reason behind his dismissal towards that family.

Like a trail of blood oozing out from the cut on my heart, it flew down. Screaming at me- he cared so much for me. Pins stabbed my heart, I was wanting to lie to him, I was being ungrateful.
Phone pinged, a photo from Sonam, as expected the picture of me with the stranger. This time, no bright winged insects invaded my stomach, it seemed as if they lost their wings, a dullness enveloped my body. I will not wrong to my sibling.

To distract myself, I scrolled on the application. Read some texts from random groups and checked the stories of my contacts. My brows furrowed when I saw the story of Niharika's sister, Ridashree . It was a picture of the sisters, the caption stated- 'Happy birthday didi.'

My tongue clicked, Niharika's birthday today, my sibling and I unaware of this, we didn't wish her. She must be feeling terrible. I ordered a cake for her, rushing to study, to notify my brother about his wife's birthday. He was on a video conference, with a sad sprit, I returned back to room. Till the time, I fished out a paper bag, collected a designer clutch, I'd ordered a couple of days back, it was never used. I added a bottle of a French perfume as well, still intact with the packaging, I found those to be the perfect gift for her.

Fisted palms tapped against the white doors of the Niharika's room, "hey, please come in." She opened the door, and moved aside for me to get in.

"Oh, I just came to give you this." I handed her the bag, her face contoured in surprise, before she could ask, I wished her. "Happy birthday, Niharika." It was extremely awkward, people are supposed to wish while handing the gift, and I did it opposite. First I gave her the gift, and then I wished. Sallowing the embarrassment.

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