The Hookup

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*mature content*

"Are you sure you aren't drunk?" Asked the stranger as Taylor tapped her foot impatiently, allowing him the time to push the key into the lock of his shiny red front door

"I wasn't drunk the first time you asked me that or the second time or the third" pushing him aside she threw the door open and then raised an eyebrow in surprise.

The apartment was small but it was immaculate, everything was in its place and everything was spotless

"You live here with your mom?" Taylor asked, only half joking as she raised a brow in surprise. Most of the apartments she had hooked up with teenage boys in had either belonged to their parents or needed a deep clean before she could step foot inside

"Na, I live with my brother, he's out of town for the weekend though"

"Good..." Taylor said as her lips curled into a seductive smile "Because I don't fuck quietly"

Her words were all the boy needed to close the distance between them, his hands grabbing her hips whilst his lips took hers forcefully, her warm, wet tongue pushed into his mouth first and as he brought his lips around it to suck it hard, his fingers pulled her black T-shirt from the waistband of her skirt as her fingers pushed under the hood of his sweater, dropping it to his shoulders and then pulling away, opening her eyes and taking him in properly for the first time since they met

"You're so fuckin hot" she said sliding her hands to the back of his neck, loving the way his hair exposed itself as short chocolate coloured locks

"Likewise" he replied before pulling the hoody from his body along with his dark blue T-shirt and Taylor's eyes grew wide and dark as she gazed at his tanned, muscular torso

"Wow" She drooled "I really hit the jackpot tonight" again she slid her hands around the back of his neck and pulled his lips to hers

His skin was soft and warm, his lips plump against hers as they moved quickly but taking the time to suck and nip at hers before tilting his head and then letting his tongue move into her mouth, sliding over hers as he took the opportunity to explore her

"Bedroom. Now." He growled into her mouth but she took the opportunity to pull away from him and then slip her T-shirt over her head leaving her stood in her high waisted latex skirt and a black latex bra with a water fall gem between the breasts and Diamante straps

"You like?" She purred whilst his eyes grew round and hooded

"I like very fuckin much, it looks like it was me that hit the jackpot tonight"

Again his lips claimed hers only this time he started walking them backwards with purpose

"We're going to my bedroom" he informed her "If you plan on changing your mind, change it now"

"I don't change my mind when it comes to sex" she replied and he growled loudly into her mouth

"Keep talking like that and I'm not going to be able to control myself"

"Good, I like my men wild" he reached over her shoulder and pushed his bedroom door open as he continued walking them backwards

"Then why were you letting those pussies paw at you earlier?"

Taylor was sure she heard a hint of jealousy on his voice but maybe she was mistaken, she didn't know this man after all, he was a stranger and she was standing in his home preparing to get naked and let him put his body inside hers in the most intimate act two human beings can partake in

"They're 'friends'" she admitted as the back of her legs hit his bed and she ended in a seating position as he sank to his knees and sought out the zip on her skirt

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