The Double Standard

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Taylor looked out of the darkened window of Travis' Range Rover and huffed in annoyance.

She didn't want to be there, didn't want to be anywhere near him. Not after what he had witnessed last night and definitely not after what Cassie had told her this afternoon but when it had come the end of the day and she was about to leave school, she had been left with very little choice because when faced with a 'no' from her he had picked her up and practically kidnapped her from the campus

"How's my little kidnap-ee?" He asked as though reading her mind, a smile on his lips as he watched her out of the side of his eyes

"Not happy" She huffed

"When are you ever?"

"When I'm lying under some hot guy that isn't you" She crossed her arms over her chest and stared out of her window as Travis chuckled lightly, not believing a word of it

"I um... I'm gonna disappear for a few days"

"So?" She asked but he noticed the slight change in her demeanour, the way her shoulders dropped a little  and her chin lowered to her chest

"So... last time you got your panties in a twist and then ended up with your panties around your ankles for some dude I then had to go and deal with"

"You didn't have to deal with Liam, in fact you didn't have to say a word to him, you especially didn't have to hit him because it had nothing to do with you, just like last night has nothing to do with you"

"Wrong and wrong but carry on"

"How was day drinking with my friend anyways? Were you even going to mention it to me?" She suddenly asked, turning quickly to look at him as he threw his head back and started laughing loudly

"So that's what this little tantrum is all about?"


"And it wasn't 'day' drinking it was morning drinking and it was only your so-called friend that was partaking"

"So you took her to your apartment got her wasted and then had sex with her?! There are words for men like you that you won't like"

"Yeah well there's words for this conversation you won't like"

"Such as?!"


"I am not!"She exclaimed completely offended by the word he just had the nerve to  utter


"Of you?! Oh get over yourself"

"Well I'd rather have you over me if we're having a moment of honesty here..."

"That's definitely not what we're having. You're having a delusional episode that's what you're having"

"Yeah just like your little friend when she made you believe I had sex with her, I wouldn't touch her even with my worst enemies dick"

"Yeah, yeah"

"I meant what I said Taylor, right now the only girl I'm interested in having sex with is you"

So how come you left me at the restaurant to go and drink with whores?" Again she crossed her arms over her and tried to look anywhere but at Travis knowing how jealous and possessive she sounded and hating every second of it

"That was a business meeting"

Taylor couldn't help but splutter out a laugh at his words

"Laugh it up, butter cup but that was business over beer, just the way I like it, pleasure... well I like that over you. So what do you say? Before I vanish for a few days how about we go back to my apartment?"

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