The Cheap Italian Bistro

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Travis had just entered his apartment with the aim to shower, change and head straight back to the Swift house when the call came in.

Taylor Swift, at dinner at Tori's Italian Bistro with another girl and two guys...

Travis tried to keep his temper in check, tried to convince himself to hear her out before jumping to conclusions but all he could think about was the hours he and Jason had spent cramped in her car, one keeping guard over the house whilst the other slept or went to the bathroom or whatever, Jason refusing to leave his brother in case Travis lost patience and 'went rogue'

"She's in a restaurant" he announced as he picked up the car keys and turned to leave "A mother fuckin restaurant the second we leave!"

"Yeah but remember the last time she was in a restaurant..." Jason said softly, placing his hand on Travis' shoulder "The night you pretty much kidnapped her and moved her in to our apartment"

Travis picked up speed as he headed towards his apartment door

"Trav!" Jason called, racing to his brothers side "Travis... what are you doing here man?"

"I would have thought that was obvious"

"Yeah well it's not obvious at all. Not to me. We have spent 2 days sitting and waiting and now you know where she is, what's the actual plan? What do we do because we can't keep following this girl around and dragging her out of places"

"Why not?" Travis' brow lowered in genuine confusion

"Because she's a grown person Travis, she can make her own decisions"

"You know her life isn't like that"

"Travis, you don't know anything about her or her life. All you know is it's messed up and I get you want to rescue her, but why?"

"We don't have time for this discussion" Travis said, his voice impatient as he reached for the metal door handle but his brother moved quickly to put his body between Travis and the door

"You need to think about these things. This isn't a game. This isn't a test of your machismo. Taylors life is fucked up and yours isn't exactly a bed of roses either, you need to ask yourself if this is something you should be involving yourself in right now"

"You want me to walk away?" Asked the taller brother whilst crossing his arms over his wider chest

"No. I want you to think this through. You have school and boxing and everything else that's going on in your life right now. Is getting involved witn Taylor and involving yourself in her shit really a good idea for you?"

"So what would you like me to do?"

"There are people... people trained to deal with this sort of situation, people that can really help her..."

"No!" Travis' hands grabbed his brother by the chest as he pulled him from the door and then pushed him away from him "No fucker has ever been there for her, ever made her feel like she was anything more than someone to just take from and then when she had nothing left to give just throw her away like she was rubbish. I am not every other fucker, I will not let her down like everyone else has"


"What do you mean why?!"

"I mean why won't you walk away? Why won't you put her into the hands of someone that can really help her?! Why does it have to be you?"

Travis stood in silence, his eyes on the door knowing he had to leave, knowing Taylor was sat in a restaurant and probably needed him but for some reason Jasons words had him trapped on the spot "You know why" he finally answered grabbing hold of the handle

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