The End And The Beginning

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"5-4-3-2-1..." Travis positioned the small missile, took aim and then let it fly

"Ow!" Taylor clutched her face as the yellow M&M missed its target and hit her hard in the eye

"Oh sorry!" Travis exclaimed, jumping up from the end of the bed and crawling up to where Taylor sat amongst the pillows "Let me see"

"I'm fine" she argued but his large hands took hold of her face as he closely inspected it for damage "Travis..." she said, cupping his own cheeks "I'm fine" she placed a kiss to his nose and then sat back as he moved next to her and grabbed some M&Ms from the bowl

"Are you sad you missed your night out?"

"Nope" Taylor shook her head from side to side animatedly as she placed a handful of the candy into her mouth

"You uh... you looked beautiful before, in the dress with your hair like that, I just um, I wanted you to know that" Travis' cheeks blushed as he also filled his mouth with M&Ms hoping to swallow down his embarrassment at being so 'soft' in front of a girl

"I wore that dress for you, you know that right?" she admitted through a mouthful of crunchy chocolate

"For me to take off?"

"Yes, that, but also just to see your reaction"

"And did it live up to what you expected or wanted ?"

"More than I could have expected, I mean, look where we are, look at what we're doing" she reached out and tangled a hand with his "What the guy at the gym said... no matter what happens I won't want him, I um... I get the feeling that from now on I'm only ever going to want you"

Travis blushed even harder and shook his head "Don't say things you don't mean, or won't mean in a few days or weeks"

"You need to value yourself higher, you're worth wanting Travis"

"Then how come no one ever did... except Jason that is, I can't seem to get rid of that guy"

"I do, I want you"

The hammering on the front door knocked them both out of their moment as Travis scrambled to his feet and they heard Jasons footsteps pounding down the hallway

"Keep away from the door!" Yelled Travis, pushing his brother back

"You need me"

"I don't need anyone,you're just going to get in my way"


"Get in there with Taylor ..."

"For once in our lives just let me help you out!" Yelled Jason but Travis had his brothers arm up his back, forcing him towards the door that Taylor was behind and then throwing him inside and slamming it shut

Travis' heart pounded against his chest as he began unlocking the door, his silent prayer that he get one punch in first answered when he finally dragged it open and found a very drunk, very sloppy Cassie on the other side instead of the oversized meat head he had expected

"What the...?" But before he could finish his sentence Cassie fell forward into his arms, her mouth moving to his neck as her hands immediately grabbed between his legs

"What the fuck?!" He yelled out as he stumbled backwards, his feet going from under him as he and Cassie landed in an awkward mess on the floor, her hands grabbing for his face as her tongue tried to force its way into his mouth "Jason now you can help me out man!" He yelled as he tried to wrestle the girl off of him, cautious of where he was touching and how rough he was being

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