The Next Step

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Taylor Swift sat on the edge of the white bathtub wearing only her navy blue bra and panties and closed her eyes as she heaved in a deep breath, savouring the musky, masculine scent that seemed to be all around her

"You okay?" Asked the man on his knees in front of her but she could only nod as a tear snuck out from beneath her closed lids "Whatever your dad did, he deserved, I hope you get that and what ever happens to your dad for doing it he deserves that too for leaving you to face that monster alone for all those years"

"I don't think he knew"

"I don't think that matters. He should have known, he's your dad, he should have made it his job to know what was making your eyes so sad"

"You knew..." she said finally opening her eyes and looking at the man who on his knees was eye to eye with her, looking straight at her with an intensity that made her shudder "You saw me from that very first night"

Travis just nodded as he took the backing off the final Elastoplast and smoothed it over her wounded knee

"I'm sorry I ran off last night" said Taylor softly as she ran a hand over his hair and then smoothed it over his rough cheek, the stubble testament to the morning they had just endured

"It's okay but I wish you would have just spoken to me"

"I panicked"

"Yeah I know that but why run?"

"Because I fucked up... like I always do, I always choose the wrong option"

"No you don't" Travis tilted his head to gaze at her and placed both hands on her thighs, gripping them firmly "Don't ever talk like that about yourself, you just... you're amazing to me" he leant forward and placed a soft kiss to her lips  "Everything about you so don't talk that shit to me"

"Today... with my uncle... all I could think about was you. How I had to see you and speak to you and tell you everything but now we're here I just feel so afraid to say it"

"Say what? Taylor , Baby, you don't ever have to be afraid to tell me anything" again he kissed her gently and then pushed the hair from her face "There's nothing you could say that would change any part of this for me"

"How can you be so scary one moment like you were at Rogers place and then be so soft the next?"

"I'm only soft for you, you're the only one that's ever made me this way"

"And you're the only one that ever made me this way" she said, a small smile pulling at her dry lips

"And what way is that?" Travis asked, his own smile mirroring hers

"Happy... safe... cared for"

"You are cared for and not just by me but by Jason too"

"He's a good guy"

"The best" Travis agreed

"Not quite... i um, I hate to disagree with you with you but I um... I think my boyfriend is actually the best guy"

"Your boyfriend eh?" Teased Travis whilst trying to hide his smile at her words "I wonder what he would say if he knew I was here in the bathroom with you and you were wearing just your bra and panties?"

"He'd kill you. He's a real tough guy, a boxer and an illegal street fighter"


"Yeah, in fact he has a big fight this evening and I have to admit I'm pretty terrified about it"

"Well if he's that much of a tough guy I'm sure you have nothing to worry about" said Travis softly as he smoothed his thumb over her cheekbone and then dropped a kiss to the tip of her nose "I'm going to be okay Taylor "

"Good, because when the fight ends I have something to tell you" She watched as Travis' eyebrows shot North in surprise and curiosity

"What is it?"

"I'm not telling you until I know you're safe and I'm going to have you with me for the rest of my life"

"Tell me now, you know I'm going to be fine, you just said what a tough guy I am and you also know I'm yours until you don't want me anymore"

"How could I ever not want you?" Taylor asked with words so soaked in emotion she would swear she saw Travis' eyes pool with tears "I want you so much it physically hurts to think about" she whispered as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck

"Just so I'm clear, we're talking about wanting more than just my body...right?"

"Well your body is most of it but I guess I'll take the rest of you as well" she giggled lightly against his neck

"Well if you're so desperate for my body, I guess I'd better be a gentleman and give the lady what she wants" said Travis as he put his arms under her legs and lifted her to him as he pushed himself into a standing position

"Why you're so strong!" Gasped Taylor in fake amazement as she wrapped her arms around Travis' neck once more and snuggled in to him as he took long strides towards his bedroom

"You can just snuggle into my body if you want, use me as a man pillow" he assured her as he used his foot to kick the door shut "You've had a pretty rough morning so we don't have to do anything more if you don't want to"

"Are you kidding me?! You're wearing grey sweatpants I want you right now and I want way more than just snuggling"

"What the lady wants the lady gets" smiled Travis as he placed Taylor down onto the bed gently and then pulled the fresh, white tank top from his body "But we do this my way" he whispered as he moved forward and then placed his hands either side of Taylors head before taking her lips with his, starting off softly but then giving in to the fire she always invoked in him

"Travis..." she moaned as she reached for him but he took hold of her wrist and raised it above her head, pressing it into the bed gently

"My way baby and today my way is slow" he smiled as Taylor whined in annoyance "I'm gonna kiss every inch of you before I even take these off" he said whilst running a finger over her navy panties "And then I'm going to kiss you until you cum in my mouth and then I'm going to go kick Vargas' ass and then I'm coming home, you're gonna tell me what you have to tell me and then I'm going to have sex with you until you're sick of the feel and taste of me and then you're gonna fall asleep on my chest and I'm going to hold you so you know you're always going to be safe with me"

"There's a problem with your plan immediately"

"Oh do enlighten me"

"There's no way I will ever get sick of the feel..." she said whilst gripping his dick hard over his sweat pants "Or the taste of him"

And with that Travis began his mission to kiss every inch of his girlfriends skin, revelling in the softness and the taste before he could hold back no longer and her underwear lay discarded on the floor as he kissed her until she was moaning his name

*this is almost over

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