The Threats

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Taylor yawned, stretched and then began the task of untangling her naked body from the male next to her

She pushed his soft arms from her waist and shuffled her way to the side of the bed, kicking over her feet and then looking back at the muddy blond, trying to push down the tidal wave of shame that washed through her


Her friend and her part time fuck buddy only he 'likes' her, he'd made that more than clear, more than once and that's why she had promised herself that this would never happen again but then Travis happened again and so here he is

It had been 10 days since their second night together and 10 days since she had seen or heard anything of him

Running a hand through her shoulder length, blond , Taylor tried to decide what to say and what to do.

If she stayed and spoke to him he would tell her he understood, promise it wasn't a problem but then she would see the look in his eyes that she hated, the one that begged her to change her mind and give them a chance but she wouldn't. Liam was a friend, someone that gave her what she wanted when she wanted it but that was all he would ever be


Why the fuck had she give in to him again and so easily?!

Yes he had saved her from possibly being raped and yes he knew just what to say and how to say it but damn it all to hell if he wasn't the biggest head fuck she had ever met

"You going?" Asked Liam, his voice heavy with sleep

"Don't I always?"

"Stay?" His voice was quiet but she didn't miss the way it was laced in hope


"I know, I know, it was a one night only agreement"

"We're friends..."

"So how come you always end up in my bed?"

"Because you're easy and you give me what I want and don't cause a scene"

The man threw himself back into the pillows, hating how the situation always ended up with Taylor leaving and him feeling like a fool but he was in love with her, he couldn't deny it. No matter how many times he told himself that he would say no, one phone call, one 'please' and she was back in his bed

"You knew when I called..."

"I know"

"It will never be more than this"

"I know"

Reaching for her underwear that was neatly placed on top of her folded clothes, Taylor sighed at how organised these meetings always were.

No passion, no ripping off clothes desperate to have each other just routine...

Slipping on the thin material Taylor couldn't stop her mind going back ten days, when Travis had heaved it from her skin so violently she was sure it was destined for the trash can

'I can't get you naked quick enough' he'd growled as his long fingers had curled into the thin lace of her panties and dragged them down her thighs, not even ensuring they were fully off before lifting her and trapping her body between him and his living room wall

"Well are we going out tonight? Cassie said..."

"No" Taylor didn't even wait to hear what Cassie had said, she just pulled her jeans up to her hips, pulled on her red, silk tank top and then carried her heels in one hand as she reached for her purse and then exited his room, very well acquainted with the layout of his house but with only one destination in mind, his front door where she could make her escape and praying to God she hoped she would never end up back here again


"Here comes the dirty stop out" said Maria Swift as her youngest daughter walked up the beige, cement path towards their house

"Leave it mom" Taylor didn't even lift her head to look towards her mother who was lying on a red and white striped sun lounger sipping on a glass of champagne even though it was barely lunch time yet

"I hope he wore protection, the number of guys you've been with" Maria chuckled lightly but with no humour on her face

"Like mother like daughter, hu mom?!" Taylor said loudly, lifting her head just long enough to feel the familiar wave of disgust that always hit her when she looked at her mother

"Carry on like that and I'll turn your bedroom into another closet"

"You look like you don't have a care in the world" said Taylor as she began heading across the grass towards her mother "I assume that means daddy paid off your debt"

"Of course he did, he always does, he just likes to make a scene about it first

"Don't you ever feel embarrassed about all this?"

"Sure I do, every time I'm trying to enjoy my champagne and get interrupted by my dirty daughter who insists on sleeping with every male in town, that's pretty embarrassing to me Tay Tay"

"Don't call me that!" Taylor snapped as she quickly turned, beginning to head away from her mother and pretend her words hadn't hurt her

"Take a shower, you stink of sex"

Her mother's voice laughing was the last thing Taylor heard before quickly rushing into the house and heading straight upstairs and into the shower, desperate to clean Liam and her mother's venom from her skin


When someone knocked gently on Liam's front door he had thought... in fact hoped that perhaps it was Taylor.

Maybe she had left something behind or changed her mind about their 'arrangement', what he didn't expert was a 6 foot 4 male wearing black boots, black combat pants and a black sweater with the hood up that quickly pushed his way inside his apartment before taking a seat on his sofa and fixing him with a look that told Liam that this was not going to be a friendly conversation

"You fucked Taylor last night" the man said, his voice low his eyes never leaving Liam's face


"That never happens again. Got it?"

"I'm sorry but who the fuck are you?" Asked the shorter man as he nervously crossed and then uncrossed his arms over his chest

"It doesn't matter who I am all that matters is you keep your hands and your dick to yourself"

"Look Taylor and I..."

"You aren't hearing me, there is no 'Taylor and you'" the man stood up and took two steps towards Liam causing his heart rate to pick up as he considered how quickly he could run to his front door and escape if this altercation became violent "Taylor  never comes back here, you never put your hands, mouth or any other part of your 'dad bod' anywhere near her or I will come back here and next time I won't be so friendly"

"You call this friendly?!"

"Well you're still breathing aren't you?"

"You forced your way into my house and you're threatening me"

"You should be grateful, all the way here I was convinced you were going to open the door and I was just going to punch you in the face"

"So this is because you like Taylor I assume?"

"You assume wrong, this is because Taylor is mine and I don't share"

"She didn't seem like 'yours' when she was under me" Liam grinned but a fist making contact with his face was the last thing he registered before his body crumpled into a heap at the man's feet

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