The Best Friend

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Cassie Kamares had just slammed the door of her old silver Ford shut when a large figure appeared in front of her, leaning against the hood and fixing her with a silent gaze.

Her eyebrows raised at his presence whilst she sucked her lower lip into her mouth and jutted out a hip "Well, well, well" she drawled "And what can I do for you?"

"Want to get wasted?" He asked whilst turning and heading towards his car, knowing she would follow

"I thought you were 'only here for Taylor'" and as he suspected she began to walk after him

"That was yesterday, today I'm here for you" he opened the drivers door and hopped inside, smiling to himself as the passenger door opened and the tall, blond slipped into the seat, dropping her bag to her feet and then clicking her seatbelt into place

"So you grew bored of Taylor this quickly hu?" She asked smugly, her hand smoothing over Travis' thigh

"Something like that" he responded as he pulled the car out of the parking space and then merged into the early morning traffic, heading for his apartment and a bottle of tequila he had bought specially for this occasion


"Oh my God, I can't believe it's 10am and I'm so wasted" giggled Cassie as she sat cross legged on Travis' soft brown, leather sofa

"You obviously hang out with the wrong people then" he said  as he poured her another shot

"You've got that right. God my friends are so lame... in fact they aren't even really friends, more like people I hang out with just to pass the time"

"Even Taylor?"

"Especially Taylor, you aren't the only one that got bored of her so quickly"

"So how come you're always with her?" Asked Travis as he toyed with his empty shot glass, wondering if she had noticed he had only taken one shot the entire time

"She's loaded, her grandpa died and left her a fortune" she hiccuped loudly and then giggled as Travis frowned and tried to hide his irritation at the answer

"So you just hang out with her..."

"Because she pays for everything" she giggled again and Travis tightened his grip on the empty shot glass "shopping, food, drinks. It's pretty sad, up until she got the money she was pretty much a loner, a nobody, she inherits a fortune suddenly every girl wants to be her friend and every guy wants to fuck her, she even made the cheerleading team which is insane. More?" She asked, holding out the shot glass and smiling up at him like a child and Travis bit down hard to keep the harsh words that were desperate to escape, trapped in his throat

"What do you uh... what do you know about her mom?" He asked whilst pouring another shot

"She's dead"

Travis' eyebrows shot up towards his hairline at that piece of information

"Died when Taylor was young"

"So the woman she lives with?"

"Step mom" Travis nodded, feeling slightly better that it wasn't Taylors birth mother that treated her that way

"So where was she last night?"

"Is that why you brought me here?" Cassie giggled as she crawled over the sofa towards Travis wearing what he was sure she thought was a seductive smile but completely missing the mark


"For a little Taylor Swift Q&A" her hand landed on his chest, playing with the buttons on his charcoal coloured T-shirt that had 3 buttons at the neck

"Actually... yes, that's exactly why I brought you here and I want the answer to my last question. Where was Taylor last night?" Travis answered as his large hands enveloped hers and then lifted it from the fabric of his top and pushed it back to her

"I don't know" Cassie huffed as she moved slightly away from him and then stared at him, her eyes struggling to focus

"I want an answer"

"And I want a kiss" she smiled as again she crept forward until she was straddling his lap, her arms going around his neck "Kiss me and maybe I will answer your question"

"You want me to kiss you?" She nodded eagerly "You realise my lips have been on your 'friends' vagina?"

"Well hopefully in time they'll be on mine" she giggled as she lurched forward for his lips but he lifted his chin so she missed and then left messy, wet kisses on his throat instead

"Trust me. They won't" he said as he grabbed both of her wrists and pushed her from him so she was lying on the couch and Shawn got to his feet. "There's no part of me even remotely interested in 'being on you' now I'm going to ask you the question once more and I want an answer. Where was Taylor last night"

"And why would I tell you now? After you admitted you only brought me here to ask me questions about Taylor and then rejected me"

"Because I'm not asking you a question. I'm demanding an answer and you don't get out of here until I get it"

"Well we're going to be here for the rest of our lives because I don't know where she was. I didn't ask where she was going and she didn't tell me"

"Well surprise, surprise. You have homework"

"You want me to find out where she was last night? And what's in it for me?" She crossed her arms over her low cut tank top, almost revealing her entire cleavage to him

"What's in it for you is I let you leave this apartment with your dignity in tact. I don't show anyone the video I have been recording of you talking shit about your 'best friend' or throwing your drunk, sloppy self at me. I want the information and I want it by tomorrow night"  he told her, knowing after tomorrow night he would once again have to disappear

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