The Rescue

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Walking through the club, Taylor didn't even try to pretend she was there for anything other than an easy hook up.

Her eyes raked over every male she saw, judging them and scoring them in her mind putting them all onto imaginary 'yes, no or maybe' lists. She had already decided that her usual hook up options were not an option tonight she needed someone else, someone taller, more jacked, hotter in every way than him.

She had to remind herself that she was able to get the best, that she was the best and just because he was hot and amazing in bed and had that dark, mysterious, brooding thing going on didn't mean there wasn't better out there and she was going to find and then have better tonight

"Anyone catch your eye?" Cassie asked as she leant against the bar and then waited for Taylor to take out her fake ID and her credit card knowing that as usual, all drinks would be on her friend

"No but let me have a couple of drinks and then look again"

"Looking for anyone in particular?" Asked a voice from behind her that sent her mind spiralling back through time.

She remembered that voice whispering in the dark, making demands and giving orders as his naked flesh met with hers and then she remembered the coldness

'We had fun, that doesn't mean I owe you another round or a conversation'

Taylor didn't even turn around to look at him but did acknowledge the way his presence effected her, her pulse speeding up slightly as tiny bubbles of excitement expanded and then popped low down in her stomach but he'd had his chance and now it was gone

"Playing hard to get, I like that" he said as he used his much larger body to cage her in against the bar, his scent intoxicating her more than any alcohol ever could

Turning around, Taylor placed her hands to his chest and then pushed herself up on to her tip toes, her lips almost touching his ear as she spoke

"Fuck. You!" She spat before starting to turn around only for him to grab a hold of her wrist and then spin her around to face him once again

"Well I seem to remember you doing that honey and I seem to remember it being pretty fuckin good"

"Oh really? Because I seem to remember you being a class A dick"

"Yeah, sure, my dick gets an A from every girl"

"Then go and man handle them because I have some self respect and I am not interested"

Attempting to turn around again, Taylor gasped as his groin pushed hers against the bar as his long fingers flicked her hair over her shoulder and then dropped his lips to her ear

"You will be in my bed by the end of the night" his voice was smooth like silk and caused Taylor to physically squeeze her thighs together for some relief

"You're wrong, I will be in someone else's bed and you won't even cross my mind" pushing her hand against his chest she managed to finally turn around and quickly gain the attention of the barman

"Tay?" Asked Cassie, her face creased with confusion at the show she had just witnessed

"Ignore him, he has a tiny dick and is trying to convince me otherwise"

"I have a dick that made you scream and you haven't been able to think of anyone else since" he said low against her ear and she gripped the bar tight, hating the way her body heated up for him

"Two vodkas with cranberry juice" she demanded as she slammed her purse down onto the bar top and gritted her teeth as the boy behind her chuckled in her ear

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