The 'What Will You Do For Him'?

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"We need to talk" said Travis , struggling to keep his voice low and controlled, his mind preoccupied with memories of Taylors mouth on his, his hands in her hair and then the hours he had spent lying awake in an empty bed whilst his brain played and then replayed all of the times he had her naked. Working him into such a frustrated state he had found himself taking care of himself whilst thinking about her and even whispering her name as he came, immediately frustrated again that it was over his hand and not inside Taylor

"About?" Jason didn't even look up from his phone to ask his brother the question

"About how Daniel fuckin Adamson turned up here in the early hours and you slept through it all"

That got Jasons attention as his head snapped up and then dropped to Travis' fist "Fuck!" He exclaimed as he lifted his brothers hand and surveyed the damage "You hit him?!"

"He was looking at Taylor like she was meat, speaking of which, her sleeping in your bed with you has to stop"

"Is she there now?" Asked Jason as he turned his head to look down the hallway towards his bedroom door

"Don't act like you don't know"

"I don't, I was out all night, I just got home and was checking my messages before heading to bed"

Travis buried his head in his hands as he realised she had been alone in there all night. He hadn't gone in because he hadn't wanted his brother to see just how desperate for her he was but if he'd known Jason was out he would have gone in there and not left until she had given into him and given him every part of her that he wanted

"So what did he want?"

"What do you think? He's still pissed I didn't go down in the fourth, pissed he lost cash on it and now he wants another fight and this time with the outcome he chooses or else..."

"Or else what? They already beat you up and trashed the car, which as it happens is available to be collected today"

"Well he saw Taylor here and it looked pretty fuckin suss, a girl here in the middle of the night, wearing my clothes and coming out of my room..."

"So he's threatening Taylor now?"

"Who isn't threatening Taylor right now?" The girl asked as she walked from Jasons bedroom and headed up the hallway, her curls tangled, her lips swollen and her voice husky as hell from sleep

Travis stared as she got closer unable to get the idea that she looked like she had been well and truly fucked, out of his brain and that just reignited the frustration from last night

"I told you I'll take care of it" Travis dropped his gaze to his fingertip that were drumming against his knee, afraid that if he looked at Taylor much longer he'd end up throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her off to his bedroom and never letting her out again

"I have missed calls from my mom and my sister. They want me to go home to talk"

"No fuckin way"

"This is all such a fuckin mess Travis, Adamson... her family... Look I know you won't want to hear this but..."

"I'm not throwing the fight"

"It's just one fight!"

"It's not just one fight. It's my reputation, it's my ability to earn, it's my ability to pay for college it's..."

"You're going to college?" Taylor suddenly blurted out and then found herself regretting it immediately as Travis and Jason turned and glared at her

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"No, nothing I just..."

"What exactly is it about me that makes you think I wouldn't be going to college?"

"Travis..." Jason warned as he placed a hand on Travis' bicep that was left bare by the white tank top he was wearing

"Come on Taylor from the suburbs, Taylor with the big house and the family with money..."

"You know it's not like that" Taylor whispered as her eyes turned wet and Jasons grip on his brother tightened

"So why don't you tell me how it is? Tell me why me and college is such a huge stretch of the imagination for you"

"I just didn't think you would care about college that's all, it's no big deal, I don't know what you're getting so angry about"

"I'm that much of a meat head I don't care about my future?"

"I didn't say that"

"Travis, calm down man"

"You know what? Fuck you both. Fuck you for asking me to lose at the only thing I have ever been good at and just fuck you..." He sneered at Taylor "In general. I'll help you with your mother and your situation and then I want you out of my house and out of my life"

Taylor was too shocked at his outburst to argue back, she sat, her chin loose as Travis stormed out of the room, heading down the hallway and then slamming his bedroom door shut before an expletive was yelled as loud as possible into the air

"What was that all about?" Taylor asked Jason as he gazed blindly down the hallway towards his brothers room

"Long story short, Travis fights for money, they aren't legal fights but he wins them all, makes a fortune doing it and now some foreigner looking to make some easy money wants him to lose a fight and apparently if he doesn't, you getting hurt is his punishment"

"Not much of a punishment, you heard what he said, he wants me home and last night he told the English guy I was nothing to him"

"Oh for fuck sake Taylor, open your eyes! Does my brother really strike you as the kind of guy that keeps girls around?"

Taylor nibbled nervously at her bottom lip, but didn't reply as she found herself on the receiving end of another Kelce brothers temper

"Usually it's one time and they are gone, that he came back for more with you and then got involved in all this... shit that you have going on should tell you that you are something to him, he might not say it or even act like it but he feels something for you and you would have to be pretty blind not to see it"

"Yeah he feels horny"

"No don't do that, don't diminish what I'm saying. Travis has me and that's it, if he's giving you any part of him then it's more than he's ever chosen to give to anyone else so don't act like that's nothing because caring and trusting doesn't come easily to him, believe me"

"He doesn't trust me. He doesn't tell me anything"

You and Travis need to work this thing out. You fuck like animals and then you hate each other then you move in together and then he sits in a car for 48 hours to make sure you are safe then... this! Fighting and pretending. He either likes you or he doesn't and you either like him or you don't now work that shit out and then move on before I have to crack both your heads together"

"It's not that easy Jason!"

"Taylor I'm not saying you have to confess your undying love for him and then get married and have kids but please... a bit of honesty and maybe get rid of some of this fuckin sexual tension before I lose my mind"

"Adamson... or whatever he's called, should I be concerned?"

"Na, Travis' got you and I think it's safe to say he'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe"

"Even if it means losing a fight? Why does that even effect him going to college ?"

"He's saving his fight money to pay for college. He earns big bucks because he's the best, he's unbeatable, prove that he can be beaten then his value goes down, there won't be so many fights and his payday won't be so big, it could take him years longer to make what he needs"

"Then he can't do it"

"The way he looks at you I think he'll do anything, now tell me, what will you do for him?"

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