The Head Fuck

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Stepping into their apartment, Travis couldn't help but look back at Taylor and then down at their joined hands, shaking his head in disbelief that holding hands with anyone felt okay to him, let alone a girl he'd taken home for one night and then been unable to shake all these months later

"Jason's gonna freak out" Taylor whispered up to him, giggling with excitement and then slipping a hand over her eager mouth

"I can't wait" whispered back Travis with a wink as he pushed their bag into the doorway of their room and then carried on down the hallway to where they could hear music playing along with some out of tune singing

"We're home" Travis announced happily as they entered the living room, his grip on Taylors hand only tightening, not letting go and immediately it was the only thing Jason seemed able to see

"What's this?" He asked as his eyes narrowed

"Nothing, just two friends helping each other home" Travis said as he dropped into the black and grey plaid armchair and pulled Taylor down into his lap

"Bullshit. That was hand holding. Travis Kelce doesn't hold hands and what's this??? Her on your lap? You stroking her back? What the fuck happened in Gainville???"

"Nothing" replied Taylor as she nuzzled her nose against Travis' and then gripped his T-shirt in her hands, resting her head against his strong shoulder and sighing as she took in his musky scent

"Okay, Okay, I get it, this little show is a 'Mess With Jason' show, turn up holding hands acting all lovey dovey and then watch as my brain explodes, very funny, well done to both of you" Jason slapped his hands together in laboured claps to show he was less than  impressed by what he was seeing

"What? Is us being nice really that big of a deal for you?!"

"Of course it is, you two fight and scream and pout and then have sex and start all over agin, you don't hold hands and you definitely don't snuggle"

"Hey! I don't ever snuggle" Said Travis with a strong voice but without ever releasing his grip on Taylor or allowing her to leave his lap

"So what's with the hand holding then? You don't ever hold hands either"

"We're just doing whatever we like and I have to admit I like the feel of her hand in mine and her butt in my lap" Travis looked down at Taylor and she grinned back at him "And you?"

"I love it" she agreed with a wink and that made Jasons eyes narrow to tiny slits and his jaw to clamp shut

"This is weird, very fuckin weird" Said Jason as he continued to eye them suspiciously, his foot tapping as though he was attempting to solve a mathematical question

"Oo! I was thinking" Said Taylor excitedly as she sat up straight, arms draped over Travis' shoulders "I want to help you train for the fight"

"No thank you, I do that" interjected Jason but the couple in front of him didn't even acknowledge his words

"Sure that would be great what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I could rub you down with a towel when you get all sweaty, reward you with kisses when you do well, provide motivation with the promise of sexual favours"

"I definitely do not do that!" Exclaimed Jason as he jumped to his feet "Okay, Okay, the show is over" he reached for Taylors arms, untangling them from behind Travis' neck and attempting to lift her from his lap

"Hey!" Travis snapped as he snatched her back and and wrapped his arms protectively around her "Don't touch her, she's mine"

Taylor couldn't help but giggle and blush at his protective words, resting her head on his shoulder and loving the feel of his muscular arms holding her close

"Okay, this...." Jason motioned his hand in between Travis and Taylor"This is a head fuck, this, I'm ignoring completely until normal play resumes. Tell me about school, how'd the interview go?" He asked whilst dropping back down on to the sofa and shaking his head in bewilderment

Travis just shrugged a half hearted reply "Okay I guess"

"He nailed it!" Exclaimed Taylor whilst rubbing a hand over Travis's hair and then pinching his cheek "He had them all on their knees begging him to join"

"You got in?!"

"I don't know, I'll need the right grades and then final decision will be made after that I guess"

"He's In for sure. The interviewer was female" Taylor whisper yelled the last part and Jason nodded knowingly

"I'm proud of you brother"

"Hey nothing is decided yet, don't jinx it"

"All those long car rides, sleeping in flea ridden hotels, fighting in stinking back alleys, it's all been worth it"

"Nothing's decided yet Jay, don't get my hopes up man, and besides, I still have to survive this Varga fight. Any word from your 'sources on the street' as to what I can expect?"

"His 'sources on the street', what the hell does that mean?" Taylor asked, her features scrunched in confusion over the term

"Dude, if you need to know anything about anything or anyone, just ask my brother, he always knows someone that knows someone that knows everything"

"That's how you always seem to know everything?" She asked and Travis just nodded

"Word is he's so confident of a win there's no talk of any tricks or anything. It looks like it's going to be completely clean because his ego is so huge he's not even giving you half a chance"

"Well that's his first mistake"

"Let's not sugar coat this Trav, no matter how hard you train no matter what we do, he's two weight divisions above you"

"Fuck that, I hit hard"

"He hits harder, he's going to have probably 5 stone more than you behind each punch"

Taylor tightened her arms around Travis' neck as his brothers words sounded like alarm bells in her ears

"He'll have to catch me to hit me, he's gonna move like he's stuck in mud and I'm gonna be able to dance around him and then catch him when he can't see me"

"Don't take this too lightly Travis, yes you're unbeaten but you've never faced someone like this before"

"Jason you're scaring me" said Taylor, her lips pressing against Travis' neck "I don't want you to get hurt"

"I'm not going to get hurt" He argued back, his voice rising as he moved Taylor from his lap and stood up "If my own team don't believe in me..."

"We do!" Exclaimed Taylor reaching for his arm but he quickly pulled it from her grip "Travis we do!"

"I'm going to shower and then head to the gym, apparently I need all the training I can get since you guys think I'm going to get my ass handed to me. Thanks for the support... not!"

"Travis..." Jason didn't even get the time to argue with his brother because Travis was out of the room and heading down the hallway towards his bathroom, the door slamming hard as the phone in Taylors purse began to ring.

Fishing it out, she frowned at the screen and seemed to have an internal battle about whether to answer it or not that wasn't missed by Jason, pressing the 'accept' button, she mutter her greetings into the phone whilst she disappeared down the hallway Travis had just exited via only she left by the front door, pulling it closed sonJason knew he wasn't welcome in whatever conversation she was about to have

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