The Visitor

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"45" Whispered Taylor as Travis fully extended his arms and then lowered his entire body to cover hers, kissing her lips gently before extending his arms and pushing himself away from her once more "46"

"I think I could do push-ups forever like this" Said Travis as he lowered himself to her lips once more, oblivious to the stares of the other gym goers, the ones that had had only ever seen Travis Kelce pounding a punch bag or an opponent and didn't realise he even possessed the capacity for softness

"How many for these things do you usually do?" Asked Taylor as she accepted another kiss from him and sighed out the number happily

"1000 and then I start my warm up properly"

"1000?!! Traaaaav, this is going to be the longest foreplay ever" she whined as he lowered his lips once more and kissed hers that were now pouted in frustration

"And then there's sparring and the..."

"Okay, okay" She lifted a hand to Travis' chest to prevent him from lowering himself down onto her again "This doesn't work for me, I thought this would be fun and a tease but instead I'm just getting horny and frustrated in a gym full of gross, sweaty men, present company excluded obviously since you're an ultra hot, sweaty man"

Suddenly Travis lowered himself so that his knees were either side of her narrow hips, his hands splayed out either side of her shoulders as he raised his head to see nearly 20 half dressed, sweaty men all paused and watching the show he and Taylor had just been putting on for them inside the boxing ring

"You have two seconds to get our eyes off her before I gouge out each fucking one of them!" he yelled as he grabbed his towel and threw it over Taylors chest and torso that was clad only in a raspberry coloured sports bra and matching shorts

"You know..."started Taylor as she moved her lips to his ear "That possessiveness only turns me on more"  and she lifted her hips so that her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, her centre squeezing against his as she purred into his ear

"Get it Kelce!" Yelled a voice from the now dispersing crowd as Travis easily pushed himself to his feet with Taylor still clinging to his body

"Locker room is out of use until I say so!" He barked at the other gym goers before dropping down out of the ring with Taylor still in place and heading quickly to the room and then slipping inside, slamming it shut and bolting it from the inside so they were safe from interruptions

"This is the guys locker room, I'm not supposed to be in here "Said Taylor in a low, sultry tone as she slid down Travis' body until she was standing in front of him, his eyes roaming hungrily over her scantily clad body

"This is my domain, none of those guys out there breathe without my say so. When I say the locker room is out of use, it means no one will be coming in here until I tell them they can"

Travis' hands moved quickly past Taylors high ponytail and grasped the back of her neck, pulling her mouth to his as her hands moved over his hard, hot, chest that was still slick with perspiration

"Now this is the kind of warm up I like" she murmured against his neck as his large rough hands moved from her neck, down the expanse of her back and gripped her ass in his palms, a low moan escaping his throat as he squeezed it tight and pulled her hips as close to his as humanly possible

"KELCE!" Yelled a gruff voice from the other side of the door and the accent that hung heavily to it, mixed with the balls it must have taken to knock on a door Travis Kelce had proclaimed out of bounds told Shawn it could only belong to one person "GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!"

"Into the shower cubicle and pull it shut, do not come out until I tell you to, no matter what happens you stay in there and you stay silent"

"Who is it?" Taylors eyebrows knitted together as she clung to Travis' shoulders

"None of your business now get in there and do not utter a word" He growled as he pushed her roughly in the direction of the cubicle, making sure she was in and it was securely locked before heaving in a breath and then reaching for the lock

Travis' fist was the first thing that made contact with Vargas' face and as the larger man stumbled backwards Travis managed to grab hold of his throat and force him down onto the ground, thankful for the hours he spent studying mixed martial arts before deciding to put his future in boxing

Kneeling hard on Vargas stomach, Travis kept him pinned to the ground by his throat "This is my gym. You step foot in here uninvited then you take whatever I give to you" he seethed looking down at the overly red face below him and liking the way the blood trickled over the mans thin, cracked lips and mingled with the stubble on his chin

"Not bad for a toddler" Varga laughed before spitting a mouthful of blood into Travis' face, causing a fist to once again collide hard with his nose as Travis used his knee that was low on the strangers stomach and the spare hand that was wrapped around his throat to keep him in place

"Just as I thought" seethed the man with poc marked skin and greasy brown hair "You're all talk, there's no power behind your punch at all" in one swift move Travis was on his back as Vargas' much larger hand wrapped tightly around his throat "I'm going to crush you, then your brother and then, I'm coming for my reward, that pretty little thing you have hidden in the locker room, I know all about Taylor, once she sees what a loser you are she's going to be begging to be in my bed"

Once more, Varga spat his blood into Travis' now purple face before releasing him and jumping to his feet "You and me Kelce, you might as well start saying your goodbyes now" and with a loud laugh the Mexican turned and then strutted out of the door, Sure he had made his point and even more sure that Travis Kelce wouldn't even have the guts to show up for the scheduled fight.

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