The House Of Horrors

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"Calm the fuck down"

"I'm calm" Travis gripped the steering wheel of Taylors car tightly as he drove way above the speed limit in an attempt to get home and then murder Taylor more quickly

"She probably just forgot"

Travis' head snapped towards his brother

"Come on Trav, she's a chick, a boxing match is not exactly going to be a priority to her" Jason turned his head to gaze out the passenger side window, willing his brother to go faster at the same time he willed the bad feeling that was growing in his chest to die down

"She said she'd be there!"

"She probably got caught up watching some reality tv shit on Netflix or washing her hair or something equally girly"

"She didn't even call!"

"Well to be fair my phone died half way through and she knows you never look at your phone on fight day so I probably have a hundred messages when I eventually get it to turn on" Jason tapped his fingers anxiously against his knee but hoped his brother hadn't seen him, Travis knew there was something wrong, his speed and his incessant ranting proved that

"She said she'd be there, she should have been there!"

"Why?! You wouldn't have spoken to her, fight night you don't even speak to me"

"Yeah well I like to concentrate. Something I couldn't do when I was too busy waiting for her to turn up"

"Why do you care so much if she was there or not? Were you really that desperate for her to see you half naked pounding another guy for the whole of 30.5 seconds before you knocked him out?"

Travis didn't answer the question but Jason snorted and shook his head knowing that was exactly what Travis had wanted

"The lust is strong right?"

"It's eating me alive to be honest with you" Shawn flicked his hair off of his forehead and then signalled a left as their apartment appeared in front of them, both men holding their breath but never saying a word as they gazed up at it. There was a light on in the small building and that caused them to simultaneously relax even though neither one of them acknowledged it

"You could just do what you did before, cause a fight with her and then go fuck someone else"

"That's not why we argued"

"No but it got you the result you wanted, you got to nail someone, get your little shot of testosterone to get over what happened with those guys"

Pulling the car into its parking space, Travis shook his head as a sea of emotions regarding that night swelled in his chest "I don't want to talk about it" he grunted as he jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut behind him, locking it once he heard Jason shut his door and then they started towards the stairs of the apartment, each one feeling the burn of adrenaline as they hoped against hope that Taylor had just got caught up, and was sat oblivious to Travis' annoyance and Jasons concern

Jogging up the grey concrete steps Travis tried to focus on his breathing, the rational side of his brain telling him she just wasn't interested in watching him fight, he hated the fact that bothered him but it was better that the cold fear that was building in his chest, the one that told him she wouldn't stand Jason up, she did want to watch him fight, she had put his sweater on specially for the event and she had been proud to wear it... or so he had thought

Placing his hand on his front door he was just searching his pockets for the keys when the door suddenly gave and opened on it own accord, he didn't dare look back at his brother, knowing his face would be a mirror of everything he feared

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