The Sexual Energy

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"What are you doing in my house?" Taylor planted her hands on her hips as she attempted to calm both her heart rate and her temper

"I'm back, I wanted to see you"


A shrug was Travis' only reply but the way his lips twitched told her that maybe he knew the answer but was keeping it to himself

"What was with the meltdown?" He asked taking a step towards her and then crossing his arms over his wide chest, causing his black button up shirt that was only fastened by a few buttons to separate and he smirked at the way her eye immediately went to his exposed chest

"What was with the flowers?" She countered crossing her own arms and then side stepping him and heading to her bed where she took a seat and waited for him to speak

"I dunno, I saw them and thought you would like them"

"Meaning you were worried I would say no to sex so you thought flowers might give you more of a chance"

"Yeah, that as well" he admitted with no shame "it has been a while and I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting hard just by looking at you. You're fuckin hot when you're angry do you know that?"

"I do know that" she smirked whilst leaning back on her hands and then lifting and crossing one leg over the other, ensuring Travis got a good look at her panties in the process and the way his eyes darkened as he stepped towards her told her he had seen everything and was now struggling to control his want

"Tough. I'm not sleeping with you again Travis"

"Maybe not, but you are about to fuck me again" he moved quickly towards her as she jumped to her feet and put a hand on his chest to stop him closing the distance between them completely

"In your dreams Kelce"

"Well I have had some pretty hot dreams this past week " he said as he ran his tongue over his lips and then let his gaze drip from her mouth, down her throat and over her chest to the cleavage he could just see rising above the neckline of her yellow strapless tank top

"We aren't together Travis"

"I know that"

"So why tell every guy in your school that I'm unavailable?"

"Because you are" reaching forward he slid his hand into her hair and then smiled his panty dropping smile as she only half heartedly attempted to pull away "Until I'm bored of you, you aren't available to anyone other than me"

"And what if I'm already bored of you?"

"That wet spot on your panties when you flashed me just then told me it's going to be a while until we get bored of each other" Travis breathed a hot breath over her skin before snatching her lips up with his own but Taylor tore her self away from him, immediately placing both hands on his chest and lowering her head

"Flowers don't get you into my bed" she said, her breathing erratic

"No, but the effect I have on you will, you can fight all you like but you and I both know that there's way too much sexual energy between us right now to walk away unsatisfied" he ran a long finger down her throat to the top of her breasts and then traced the shape with his finger tip, growling quietly as he did it, his cheeks turning pink and his eyes turning from green to black

"Just touching me turns you on doesn't it?" she mused

"Just thinking about you turns me on" he stated as he lifted her by the hips and dropped her backwards onto her bed, quickly crawling over her and pushing her denim skirt to her waist and immediately looking for the damp spot he had noticed earlier "Looks like I'm not the only one" he winked before dropping his mouth to the mark and placing a kiss on it

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