The Night

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"Oh my God!" Travis threw the blazer of his grey suit to the floor and then fell backwards onto the hotel bed whilst laughing loudly  "I can't believe it's over"

"Believe it, you did it" Taylor carefully pushed the door to the hotel room shut  before taking off her lemon coloured ballet pumps and walking to stand at the bottom of the bed

"Well we don't know that but I did it, I held my own, I answered every question, even made her laugh a little"

"Her?!" Taylor said whilst placing her hands on her hips. "Well if it was a woman you're definitely in because I don't know if you've noticed this or not but women love you"

"Women want me Taylor, but believe me there hasn't been one women In my life that's actually loved me"

"Well that cant be true, what about your mom?" Taylor immediately regretted asking the question as something moved over Travis' face that she didn't like and never wanted to see again

"She didn't have a chance" was his only answer as he stood up and began pulling off his socks

"You can talk to me... if you ever want to. I'll probably say the wrong thing and you'll probably be offended but I'll listen to you and I'll care"

"Thanks" he whispered as he pulled off his second sock and threw it to where his blazer also lay and then dropped back down onto the bed

"Are you uh, are you forgetting something?" Taylor asked, keeping her voice low and husky as she crept up onto the bed and then into a position where she was straddling Travis' hips, her hands resting on his wide shoulders

"Forgetting what?" He questioned as his arms encircled her, pulling her ever closer to him

"We agreed..." she said slowly as her fingers moved to his crimson coloured tie around his neck and then began to loosen it "That I could take this off"

"We did, didn't we?" He bit back a smile as the tie fell open and Taylor threw it over her shoulder with the rest of the discarded clothing

"So why don't you just sit there like a good University Of Florida student and let you're failure of a friend do all the work"

"Yes m'am" Travis grinned whilst Taylors lips moved to his cheek and then peppered kisses across the soft skin to his lips, snatching them up with a hunger he knew well and dreamt about often as her fingers nimbly began opening the black, tortoise shell buttons

Pulling away from his mouth, Taylor continued her task as Travis moaned at the separation, unbuttoning them one by one until the black shirt fell open and Taylor moved her hands to his chest, smoothing her palms over his pecs and then tracing the peaks and troughs of his abs with one long finger nail

"Those are new" Travis noted, bobbing his head towards her fake nails "They're going to rip my back to shreds later"

"Only if you're good" she said with a wink as she peeled the shirt over his shoulders and then over his biceps. Allowing him to help with the final part of pulling the fabric over his watch and wrists before throwing It to the ground

"I thought you liked me bad" he growled against her throat before kissing it hard, allowing his teeth to graze over it and then kissing it again when she hissed in surprise

"I like you bad but I also like you when you're being a good boy and being sweet..." Travis shook his head in disgust at her kind words "But mostly..." she purred as her fingers moved to the button of his grey pants "Mostly I just like you naked" the words had just left her mouth when her  entire world span and she found herself flat on her back, Travis' mouth devouring her neck as his fingers pushed her lemon top up over her stomach and then removing it from her body altogether

"I have to warn you that two days of nothing but kissing has me pretty worked up, "

"Is that you warning me that you mightn't last long"

"No it's me warning you that it might be long night" he dropped his head to the crook of her neck as his hand groped at her covered breast, pulling the cup of her white bra down and moaning as the palm of him skin made contact with the soft skin of her breast for what felt like the first time in forever

Taylor couldn't help the way her body writhed beneath his, every part of her desperate to be touched, desperate to feel him on her and in her, touching every part of himself against every part of her.

Reaching for the waistband of his suit pants she began pushing them down over his narrow hips as he raised his ass into the air to help her and then wriggling out of them and kicking them to the floor

"Fuck, it's been so long" he moaned as he dropped his lips to her breast kissing the flesh and then licking and flicking her nipple with his tongue before pulling down the other cup and giving the other breast the same attention

"Your mouth is so perfect" she moaned as her back arched up of the bed, her hands gripping his hair and tugging at it enough to make home groan

"Everything about you is perfect, but fuck me, the taste  of you boobs in my mouth just turn me on like nothing else"

Moving his fingers to Taylors waist, Travis began opening the four metal buttons and then slid his hand into her panties, loving the way his fingers ran over her so easily due to her arousal as he slid a finger inside and her hips lifted until her legs were wrapped around his waist

"Take them off" she demanded and it took Travis just seconds to comply, dragging her white jeans over her legs and then throwing them, not caring where they would land "Please, no foreplay, just do me" she begged as she gripped her panties and began pulling them down. Smirking as Travis tore her fingers from them and then carried on the task by himself grabbing them as they fell free from her skin and then tossing them

"You sure?"

"Please, I can't wait, I'm desperate to have you, please don't tease me" ripping off his boxers Travis briefly reached for protection and prepared himself and then pushed in hard, loving the way she cried out as her hips rose to meet his, her beautiful white teeth clamping down on her bottom lip as her hands grabbed for the white sheet they lay on "Fuck I missed this" she cried out in ecstasy as Travis started with hard, fast movements and didn't appear ready to change any time soon

"You like that?" Travis grunted against the skin of her chest as he dipped his head and then sucked hard on a nipple once more as Taylors hips rose hard and fast to match his own

"Harder" She panted "Don't stop. Show me my tough guy, my fighter... fuck me like he would"

Travis grabbed her hips and threw her over onto her stomach, climbing over her back and entering her hard from behind as Taylor moaned loudly in pleasure, her hand reaching over her shoulder and grabbing Travis by the nape of his neck, encouraging him to keep going, to go harder and faster, to take her and everything she was giving to him  and allowing him to take

"Fuck!" She gasped as she felt her body tightening around him "Fuck Trav I'm about to..."

"Do it" he said on broken breath as his body continued to slam into hers "Do it  right fuckin now because as soon as you do I'm going to and then I'm turning you straight over onto your back and we're starting this all over"

"Travis... baby... I..." Taylor bit down hard on her lip as a loud moan escaped the barricade, her back arching and her long nails digging hard into Travis' back the way he had known they would "Oh God!" She cried as a second wave of pleasure flowed through her, her nails digging in as her inner walls gripped Travis tight and dragged him to the edge of the precipice before he closed his eyes and surrendered his body, his groan into the hot air of the room leaving all of the doubt and the tension behind

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