The Hand

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Travis Kelce dropped down hard into the corner of the ring and pulled his knees up to his chest as he fought hard to catch his breath.

The biggest fight of his life was tomorrow and he didn't feel even half way ready because training had been interrupted time and time again about thoughts and concerns of Taylor.

Was she okay at home?

What had gone on in her own home?

His thoughts of victory over Varga had turned into thoughts of revenge over 'The Uncle' and then back again leaving his mind unclear and unfocused

"You're looking good Kelce, super sharp" Came a voice from the far end of the gym

"I look like someone that's about to have their head split open tomorrow" Travis replied on shallow breath

"You still going ahead with that dumb ass fight?"

"I have to, it's the only way I can get the Brit off my ass" Travis lifted his head and watched the small figure of his boxing mentor 'Sid' hobble towards him

"You really think it will be one fight and then he's gone?"

"No" Travis admitted for the first time out loud "But hopefully it'll be one fight and then I'm gone"

"You got into the school?!"

Travis nodded "Unconditional offer. I haven't told my brother or my gir... or Taylor yet so don't go blabbing, they think I'm still waiting on some results or whatever"

"Why the secrecy?" Asked the old man with thin white hair as he leant against the ring and fixed the boy he saw as a wayward son with an intense gaze but Travis just shrugged his shoulders "What are you scared of happening if they find out?"

"I'm scared of everything changing. Of moving away from Jason for the first time in my life when he's all I've ever had in my life. And Taylor... fuck I don't know what's going on now with Taylor let alone if I leave. What the fuck will happen to her? To us? I just..."

"The guy who can get in a ring or on the street with any man and beat the shit out of him and not even have a bruise is scared?!"

"Is that such a bad thing?!" Travis asked whilst pushing his soaked hair from his face

"No I think it's beautiful, I think it's progress. The girl... Taylor, She's important to you?"

"Look at me here Sid, have you ever seen me this fucked up before a fight?..."

"Okay so she is, you told her about your folks yet?" Travis just shook his head "You gunna?"

"I'm leaving soon..."

"You didn't convince me you were leaving her soon though"

Travis dropped his forehead to his knees and covered his head with his hands that were still covered by black boxing gloves

"It's easier when there's no girl involved isn't it?"


"But it's lonely... look at me, lost my wife 34 years ago and I ain't ever found anyone else"

"Did you look?" Travis asked inquisitively as he once again lifted his eyes to meet the grey orbs of his mentor

"In all the wrong places, that's for sure" was his reply before he turned his back on Travis and a heavy silence moved over the gym "She's beautiful... your girl, your Taylor "

Taylor just nodded "

But she has the same sad eyes you used to have before you found boxing"

"She's been through a lot, her life is a lot" This time it was the old man's turn to nod in silence

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