The Agreement

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"Mmm" Taylor moaned as she turned over and stretched, her body aching in the most satisfying of ways.

Travis had been telling the truth when he had promised it was going to be a long night but In the early morning, when he had been completely exhausted and completely satisfied he had fallen asleep and that allowed Taylor the opportunity to lie silently in the moonlight and watch her sleeping giant


She didn't know when he had become hers in her mind, when she had begun to feel so ferociously possessive, if she was being completely honest maybe it was that first night in the club, when his green eyes had sought  her out, found her in a world where she was so completely lost and where no one else even seemed to realise she was missing

She watched as his muscular chest rose and fell as the early morning sun began to trickle through the window and highlighted a strip from his navel to his throat

Sighing heavily she let a finger trace the light, loving the way that even in his sleep his muscles tensed beneath her touch as though just her very presence effected him

She didn't know what was going to happen when Travis woke up, whether he would still want her or whether he would push her away as he was prone to do

Taylor's heart began to pound at the thought... if he woke up and didn't want her, if he looked at her with that cold, indifference instead of the soft, lust soaked gaze he had indulged her in all night...

Turning onto her side, her back to him she tried to make sense of every thought that was flooding her mind.

Was everything her mother put on her really over???

She knew with a cold fear that Roger wouldn't just walk away, she had been his since her mother had died, he wouldn't just hand her over to Travis, walk away and never look back, she was sure of it, no matter how much of a threat Travis was

Years ago, Maria had sold Taylor to him, using her as currency to pay for every debt he had and would pay off for her but now, with Travis by her side, Taylor couldn't help but dream of days that weren't drenched in his scent, in his vile language and his merciless fists

"Hold me" she whispered as she backed her body against his and immediately Travis' arms wrapped around her, pulling her to him as his deep breaths of sleep hit hard against the back of her neck.

In that moment she felt completely safe. Completely cared for and completely protected, if Travis woke up determined to push her away Taylor knew that hurt would cut deeper than she was sure she could take, so she took a deep breath, allowing herself to be submerged in all of him for a moment longer before peeling his fingers from her skin and closing her eyes as that invisible barrier that kept her safe slid up between them


Opening his eyes, it took Travis only a
moment or two to realise he was alone in the bed and then only another moment or two for him to realise he didn't like it anymore

"Taylor?" He called out in confusion, his large hand ruffling his hair before he recognised the sound of the shower running and that helped him to relax just a little bit

Leaning back on his arms and letting his gaze drop over the raised, red marks that littered the skin of his chest Travis couldn't help but smile at his memories, the girl that had caught his attention the second he laid eyes on her, that had reeled him in with her wild mix of innocence and experience

"You're awake" Taylor stated as she stepped out of the en-suite bathroom and saw Travis sitting there a ruffled mess of sex hair, warm cheeks and sleepy eyes

"And you're dressed" he said with a frown, taking in the blue denim shorts and pale blue off the shoulder T-shirt she wore, her makeup and curls immaculate

"It's a long drive, I thought you would want to get going"

"I wanted to 'get going' at something other than driving first" he smirked as he reached for her delicate hand but she stepped away from him "What's wrong?" He asked, his heartbeat speeding up at the uncertainty that suddenly hung between them

"Maybe we should just leave last night as a one off" she said as she headed back into the bathroom to collect her cherry red vanity bag and threw it into the small black bag they had brought with them

"Well I don't know if this rings any bells for you but last night was more than 'one time'"

"You're so funny" Taylor gave him a huge eye roll "But you know what I mean"

"And is that what you want or is that what you're scared I might want?"

Taylor took a deep breath, amazed once again at the ways Travis saw her that no one else had ever come close to

Taking a step towards the bed, she bit down on her lip

"You want platonic Travis"

"No, I want to fuck you wherever, whenever I want to I thought I made that clear last night"

"I need more than just sex, I thought everything you knew about me told you that"

"And you have it. Don't ask me to verbalise what this shit is because I have no fuckin idea but all I know is, you're mine, I will protect you to the death can I ask you to be my girlfriend? Do I want you to be? I have no fuckin idea" Travis' large hand once again swiped over his face as he almost shuddered under the weight of his statement

"Good because the answer would be no anyways" said Taylor with a smile on her lips as her fingers wrapped in her pale blue top and then tugged it over her head "I would never agree to be your girlfriend because you are too much of a dick" she popped one, two, three buttons of her jeans and then tugged them off

"Okay" Said Travis on a heavy breath as he watched Taylor strip in front of him "But just for the record, as of now I'm your dick"

"As if anyone else would want you" Taylor teased as her hand reached between them, dipping into Travis' underwear and beginning to move back and forth over his velvety skin

"We're so messed up" Travis groaned as his head fell back against the pillows and his body succumbed to Taylors touch

"Complete and utter fuck ups" Taylor agreed as her lips slid over him, his hips rising as a groan of agreement left his throat

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