The Question

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"Travis, will you calm the fuck down!" Jason reached for his brother but Travis pulled himself quickly and violently  from his siblings grip

"I'm calm..."

"Then why are you putting lock after lock on the front door? There were 3 already, now there's 6, if he wants in, he's going to get in, no lock is going to keep him out"

"Is he fuck going to get in here" Said Travis as he lifted another lock from the ground and then positioned his drill

"Trav..." Jasons hand came down gently on his brother's shoulder "Come on, stop it dude"

"He threatened you man"

"I know he did" Jasons gaze moved over his brothers face trying to convey every emotion he felt, his love, respect, admiration for the man that was younger yet so much tougher than him both physically and mentally

"He threatened Taylor" Travis looked towards the bedroom door that was closed and was thankful he could still hear her softly singing along to the radio

"He won't get near Taylor"

"And what about those other bastards in the house of horrors across town? Do you really think they've just handed her over to me and aren't sat somewhere seeking revenge?"

"I don't know, all I do know is you need to calm the fuck down. The fight is in just a few days, you have to focus on that"

"Focus on it when he comes to my gym, threatens my brother and my girl?!"

"Yes Travis, focus. You have so much going on right now with school and college and Taylor and the fight... one thing at a time..."

The sound of the bedroom door opening caused both men to spin to face it, their faces frozen, hoping she hadn't heard the depth of their conversation and then Travis' face crumpled as Jasons eyebrows rose

"Where the fuck are you going?!" He asked as he dropped everything to the ground and the stormed down the hallway towards her

"Out. You like?" She did a spin to make sure Travis got a good view of the red bandage dress that was hugging in and pushing out all of her curves perfectly

"Out where?!" He asked, not in the mood for games

"With Cass" she answered innocently, running a hand over the fabric that was struggling to contain her generous ass and giggling when she heard Jason gulp

"Get the fuck out of here man" barked Travis as he took hold of Taylors bicep and guided her into their room "Don't tease my brother like that, you know it makes me want to puke"

"And what about this dress, what does it make you want to do?" She turned around again, slower this time and then gasped as Travis' strong arm wrapped around her stomach and pulled her ass into his crotch

"You know fine well what it makes me want to do" his hand snaked up her stomach and cupped her breast, squeezing and releasing it as he hardened against her and moaned into her neck

"Well you can do all of that and more... when I get back" she tried to pry his arm from her stomach but he just gripped her tighter, his lips kissing a trail up her spine and then across her shoulder, his teeth digging down into the soft flesh as he ground his hardness into her from behind

"Kneel on the bed" he demanded as he tugged the material up to her waist and then played with the black elastic of her thong underwear

"Later, I'm going out" she attempted to pull the material down, a smirk pulling at her lips as she tried to bite it back, she didn't want Travis to see how much she was enjoying this, she wanted to see just how he would go about getting what he wanted when faced with her dressed like this and heading into a club filled with other men especially after their conversation about not seeing anyone other than each other.

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