The Consequences

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"Where's Taylor?" Asked Travis as he slipped into the kitchen, his eyes taking in the apartment, ensuring her things were still lying around and she hadn't returned home after his outburst last night

"She's at school" replied Jason whilst peeling a banana and clicking around on the laptop in front of him as he sat at the black and silver breakfast bar that separated their living room from their small kitchen area

"Did you take her?"

"Mm-hm" Jason looked up briefly at his brothers battered face before returning to the screen

"On a scale of one to ten how mad is she?" Travis asked as he dropped down onto the leather stool next to his brother and grimaced as his wounded body screamed in distress, the same way it had screamed hours earlier as some faceless stranger had moved her body over his

"About a 1"

"No I mean 10 being the most annoyed and 1 being the least annoyed"

"Then about a point five or a one but I'd have to be pushing it to get to a one if I'm being honest"

Travis closed his eyes and then sucked his tongue between his teeth, hissing at the way his split lip stung

"She's not bothered about what happened last night at all?"

"Not really, I mean not that I could tell anyways.  You left and went on your little 'pussy hunt'" Travis hated the way his brother hooked his fingers to make air quotations "and she just grabbed her knitted blanket from your room and then jumped into bed with me"

Travis' head snapped up so hard at his brothers words he almost almost yelled out in pain "She what?!"

"She actually slept in with me all weekend, apparently she doesn't like sleeping alone. She says it's one of the reasons she goes home with so many guys, so she isn't on her own or in your words it's the reason why she 'opens her legs' for so many guys" again the air quotations made Travis want to snap his brothers fingers off just to stop him doing it

Travis cringed as he held his head in his hands, his own words ricocheting around his skull, causing his brain to throb with regret

"Did you..."

"Fuck her?! Fuck no! I don't go anywhere near anyone you have so much as breathed on and I have heard you two in that room so I know breathing is not all you've done with her"

Travis nodded, needing no further reassurance from his brother but still hating the images in his head.

Taylor had curled up against Jason the way she curled up against him...

The brightly coloured blanket her grandma had knitted for her wrapped loosely around her thin body and partially covering Jason too, the way it had partially covered Travis

Jasons hands smoothing over her blond hair, his eyes catching on her beautiful red lips...

His body aching for her the way Travis' did so easily

His lips pressed against hers...

His fingers tangled in her hair...

His dick pressing into her...

Travis tapped a long finger against the black breakfast bar, causing the tattoo that adorned the back of his hand to appear to dance

"Any regrets yet?" Jason asked, pushing down the top of his laptop and fixing his brother with a gaze that left him in doubt of his feelings about the way the previous night had played out

"I was a dick, I need to talk to Taylor"

"Yeah well you might want to shower first because you stink of whoever you just had on your dick and by the smell of it she was as cheap as her perfume"

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