The Platonic Friendship

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A few days later

"Your showers are getting longer and longer what the hell are you doing in there?"

Travis grabbed his brother by the arm and dragged him down the corridor, bypassing his own bedroom and then heading into Jasons, kicking the door shut behind them whilst readjusting his towel

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing in there?!" He whisper yelled whilst running a hand through his wet hair and then looking down at where the black towel covered his crotch "This whole 'platonic' thing is really great in theory but not so great when I wake up every morning with her ass pressed against my dick"

Jason laughed loudly as he dropped down onto his mattress and looked his brother over "Sexual frustration..."

"In a living and breathing form" Travis agreed and then dropped down to sit next to his brother "Fuck it sucks"

"Sucks hu? Just imagine her in here now, on her knees in front of you su..."

"Stop! Don't put those images into my head when I'm wearing just a towel, are you crazy?!"

"I admire you for what you're trying to do, honestly I do" Jason said whilst placing a hand to his chest and laughing lightly

"Trying?" Travis asked confused whilst looking to his brother "I'm not trying I'm doing"

"Oh! Now there's an image for you just imagine, her in here, doing you, that would cut the electricity bill in half immediately, now does she prefer to be on the bottom or the top I wonder... I'm guessing top because she does like control"

"First thing..." Travis said whilst holding up a finger to his brothers face " I would never fuck her on your bed, second thing, her sexual preferences have nothing to do with you because you will never need to know and third shut the fuck up! What are you trying to do to me right now?! You are the one who said Taylor needed a friend, needed someone to be there for her, you gave me a whole fuckin speech... remember?"

"I do remember I'm just wondering how long it's going to take before you both figure out that you aren't just friends and you aren't just fuck buddies because in reality you actually like each other"

Travis took a second to stare at the wooden floor of his brothers room before he lifted his head and tried to control his temper

"Hit a nerve didn't I Trav?"

"No but keep going and I'm going to hit you in the face and trust me, I hit hard" Travis cracked the knuckles of one hand followed by the other

"On that note, you all set for the fight this afternoon?" Asked Jason as he attempted to change the subject, knowing just how far he could push his brother before his brother pushed back

"More than set. You going to be there?"

"For sure, actually I was thinking of bringing a date"

"To a high school boxing match?"

"Yeah I hear tough guys really turn her on"

"Right" Travis rolled his eyes and then ran a hand over his face "Who is this date that loves tough guys anyways? Maybe I can steal her from you, work out some of this pent up sexual frustration you are so eager to talk about"

"It's Taylor" Jason stated plainly and then almost choked on his laughter at his brother's response

"Jason... I swear to God man!"

"I asked if she wanted to 'come'... pun completely intended and she said yes as long as I buy her popcorn and bring her a banana"

"I usually bring her a banana..." Travis said softly before realising what was going on in his brothers mind "To stop her complaining not because it's a 'sweet' thing to do"

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