The What The Fuck Is This???

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Stretching her arms above her head, Taylor let out a loud yawn, squinted her eyes against the early morning sunlight and then gasped out loud as strong arms immediately wrapped around her waist, a large palm covering her exposed breast as she was flipped onto her stomach and a strong body moved above her

She bit down in annoyance and was just about to complain about the time of day when she heard a familiar tearing and then gasped again as without warning he moved to be inside of her

"Good morning" he growled against her neck as he showed her no mercy with his pace, his breath fanning over her back, making her  body respond in the most delicious of ways and her annoyance began to dissipate

"Travis..." Taylor could barely gasp his name before his fingertip dug into her hips and he lifted her ass from the mattress, slamming in to her, as her ears filled with every dirty word and erotic scenario she had ever heard of and then some she could barely comprehend

"Fuck" he gasped as his fingers curled into her hair and pulled her head back towards her ass as he attempted to kiss her mouth but his hungry lips met her cheek instead in a wet, messy, desperate kiss "fuck me like you missed me every day I was gone" he demanded as he continued his relentless pace, the room filling with hard slaps and soft moans "tell me you missed me Taylor "

"I missed you"

"Say it like you mean it"

"I missed you, I mean it"

"Tell me no one fucks you like I do"

"No one even comes close" she admitted the truth as she grabbed handfuls of her cream cotton sheet and just allowed herself to be taken by him, knowing her pleasure was already beginning to build and Travis was anything and everything except a man that left his partner unsatisfied


Lying wrapped in Taylors sheets, both of their bodies still damp and warm, Travis couldn't stop himself from grabbing her by the hips and pulling her until he spooned her tiny body, holding her tight and sighing gently when she allowed him to keep the contact

Yes he'd been gone for almost two weeks and yes she was pissed off at him for probably half a dozen different reasons but it was the early hours of the morning and they had spent all night lost in each other's bodies, there was a conversation they needed to have, he had questions he would not leave unanswered and he had retribution he knew would need to be served but right now, as the early morning sun began to burn through Taylors thin, cotton blinds all he wanted to do was hold her and protect her in the way she said her mother never had, whether that feeling would last for just one day or for the rest of his life he wasn't sure

"Who did you think the flowers were from?" He asked, rearranging their position and his hand fanning out over one hip

"No one" she replied in a tired voice but Travis didn't miss the hesitation

"Well who did you think your mother had let into the house?"

"No one"

"Taylor, I can't protect you if you don't tell me anything"

"I don't need to be protected by you Travis" She argued as she moved her body away from his and attempted to get up but Travis' strong arm snuck around her waist and pulled her back to him once more

"I bring you flowers and you freak the fuck out. Why?"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore" she said, pushing her hand between his legs and taking hold of him, smiling as he immediately hardened in her grip

"Don't try and change the subject" he said, his face tense as he covered her hand with his and removed it from his body "Who is he? An ex?"

Taylor threw herself back against her pillows and crossed her arms, huffing out a breath in annoyance "No, it's not an ex"

"Okay, So who is it?"

"It's just my uncle, he sends me flowers, says inappropriate things, I don't like him coming here but It's no big deal"

Travis' face told her that he was about to make it a big deal

"The other week..." he reached out and ran a finger over the yellow remains of a bruise

"My mom already told you it was her"

"And I already told you I didn't believe her"

"Well that's your problem not mine" Taylor turned on her side, giving Travis a view of her back and she hoped that would be enough to let him know the conversation was over but once again his arm snuck around her waist and pulled her into his warm body, his hardness pressing against her ass as his lips hovered just above her ear

"Every problem you have is mine and I don't stop until I get the truth Taylor"

"And what about giving the truth? Where were you this past week? Some guys Cassie and I were talking to said when you disappeared like that you were usually buried in some girl, is that where you were and then you come running back to me?"

Travis' arms released her immediately, taking her by the shoulder and pulling her flat against the mattress "What guys?!" He asked, his voice letting her know how annoyed he was at the thought of her talking to any other guy

"Some guys from Newton"

"Were talking to you? Did they know who you were?"

Taylor nodded a little "Who am I Travis? What the fuck is this? I was in it for the sex because you're hot and brooding and I like that shit but this... the over protectiveness, the making me off limits, the flowers... what's it all about?"

"It isn't about anything, it's just how I feel and I act on what I feel there's nothing more to it and nothing less"

"And what you feel is...?"

"Like I want to fuck you and protect you and break the face of any other guy that comes near you"

"So you like me?" She asked tentatively but Travis just shrugged and then joined her lying flat on his back, their shoulders touching

"I was at a boxing competition"

"Yeah I know that, where'd you go after?"

"Just on some business with my brother"

"What kind of business?"

"That's still none of your business"

"But every part of my life is yours?!" She asked, her voice rising in annoyance "I told you I'm not looking for a boyfriend"

"And I'm not looking to be a boyfriend"

"I can have sex with whoever I want to have sex with"

"Not true. You can have sex with me, anyone else that tries it is at risk of having some part of them broken"

"I hate you, do you know that?! You are so infuriating" Taylor threw the covers off her body and felt herself warm up as Travis' gaze raked over every inch of her skin

"Yeah, yeah you say that all the time"

"I say it because I mean it" she said dropping from the bed to the floor and then making sure to sway her hips slightly as she walked across her bedroom floor to her en-suite "I want you gone when I come out of here" She announced as she watched Travis' hand drop to his groin and then begin to move "Make a mess and you clean it up" Were her last words before she disappeared into the room and slid the metal lock across

Chuckling lightly, Travis reached across to his phone and slid it open, pausing for a second to look at the lock screen which was now a close up picture of Taylors face as she slept, a picture she didn't know he had taken

He moved to the message screen and tapped out his request

'Mrs. Swift, 305 Pickering Av, I want the name and address of every sibling she has and I want it A.S.A.P'

Reaching to the floor Travis picked up his clothes before putting them on and then picking up his car keys, knowing today was going to be a day of revelations and confrontations and that sort of day meant an early morning trip to the gym

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