The Kelce Brothers

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"Who was the girl?"

Jason Kelce kicked his feet out across the brown, leather sofa and folded his arms behind his head as he watched his younger brother constantly fidgeting with the black and silver breakfast bar that worked as a barrier between the living room and kitchen in their open plan apartment

"What girl?"

"The one you eye fucked as she was walking down the street last night and then put on that pathetic little show of threatening her boyfriend"

"That dick isn't her boyfriend" Travis snapped as he spooned cereal into his mouth and then prayed his brother wouldn't stick his nose in any further. The guy's disobedience paired with the way Taylor had been touching him had Travis in a very bad mood indeed

"So you know her?"

"Just from a club"

"Fucked her?"

Travis shrugged "Couple of times"

"Okay great, well done you, now leave her to the dude she was with, you have bigger things to focus on right now, you don't need to be distracted by little girls with big asses"

Travis slammed his spoon down onto the counter top as he glared at his brother "keep your eyes off her ass Jason"

"You have got it bad!" Exclaimed the older sibling as he pushed himself into a sitting position, wearing just a pair of cotton, navy coloured shorts and laughed silently as he watched his brother become more and more flustered

"I have not got it 'fuckin bad'! She's good in bed and I'm not done with her yet and until I am I don't want any other fuckers body parts anywhere near her and that includes you and your lazy eye"

"Come on Travis, we're brothers, we're supposed to share everything dude" Jason teased and laughed as his brothers eyes dropped closed as he began tapping his finger against the counter top "School today?"

"Have to, I have training at lunch and for 2 hours after"

"When's your next fight?"

"Next week at San Jose. You going to make it this time?"

"Probably not, I'm trying to put something together for the weekend after, that's alright with you yeah?"

"Its always alright with me" Travis downed the remainder of his orange juice before stretching his arms over his head and letting out a yawn

"It's just one more reason not to get too deep with a girl, hit it and then run every time because if they get involved, find out what we have  going on here..."

"It's not deep with Taylor, it's just sex but it's good sex and she's feisty, she doesn't give it to me easily, maybe a couple more times and then I'll cut her loose, let her move on"

Travis said the words and liked the way his brother nodded in agreement but he had a feeling deep in his chest that it was going to take a bit more than 'a couple of times' before he got tired of this thing he had going with Taylor


Leaning against the cold metal bars of the Aycliffe High gates, Travis was beginning to lose patience. This was the third night in a row he had stood there waiting for Taylor and it was the third night in a row she hadn't appeared.

The first night he'd seen the guy she was dancing with and letting paw her at the club on the first night they met. He'd made sure to almost stare him to death before approaching and letting him know if he ever saw his hands in even the same room as Taylor he would break every bone in them

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