The 'This All Ends Tonight'"

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"TRAVIS!!!!" Taylor screamed as she took off her shoe and then threw it at him, narrowly missing his head and bouncing off the apartment wall instead

"STOP SCREAMING AT ME!!!" He yelled back as he stopped in the door way to take off his shoes

"Can you both stop yelling?" Asked Jason in exasperation, his patience almost gone.

"Jason she's my sister!"

"I know that"

"She's a bitch!" Snapped Travis as he dragged his hoody over his head and threw it onto the couch

"You have no idea what you have done!" Taylor yelled again but Travis ignored her, simply turning and heading down the hallway to his bedroom, pushing open the door and then slamming it shut behind him

"ASSHOLE!" Taylor screamed again before throwing herself down onto the sofa

"I um... I can see your panties" admitted Jason as he turned his back and was then completely unsurprised when Travis' bedroom door opened again and he stalked, topless down the hallway, taking hold of Taylor and throwing her over his shoulder "Never let me hear you say those words again" he said to his brother whilst narrowing his eyes and then heading back to his bedroom, ignoring the way Taylor struggled and slapped at him in an attempt to escape his grip

"You guys had better talk before you fuck!" Jason yelled after them both before dropping onto the sofa and lying down, placing a cushion over his head when he heard the yelling begin once more


"Okay, what exactly is your problem?!" Asked Travis as he dropped Taylor onto the bed, appreciating the way her eyes moved over his naked chest before she stuck her chin into the air in defiance

"You are!" She tried to stop her eyes following Travis' hands as they moved to the zipper of his jeans and pulled it down "I was at dinner with my sister you had no right to just turn up and ruin it!" The final word was disguised as a gulp as Travis pulled his jeans down over his hips and kicked them into the corner of his room

"You were on a 'double date' your sisters words not mine and since that was the case I had every right to ruin it" Travis didn't even turn away as he pulled his boxers off and then slid into a pair of grey track pants and again he was pleased with the way Taylors eyes darkened as she watched his nakedness boldly, without looking away

"It wasn't a date!" Taylor began as she sighed, her anger beginning to die down as she  stood up from the bed

"As I said, your sisters words not mine, if she wants to piss me off then she has to face the consequences of it and I think the way she ran off with her tail between her legs threatening to tell mommy on big bad Travy means she won't be provoking me again any time soon"

"Travis, she said date because the truth is embarrassing... It was more like a business transaction than anything else, only the guys we were with didn't know it" Taylor shook her head and then pulled her dress over her head, standing in the middle of Travis' room wearing just her silky black thong and this time it was Travis' turn to stare as she reached for the T-shirt he had just discarded and slid it over her tiny frame

"A 'business transaction', what the fuck does that mean?!"

"My mom and dad are fighting again, she gambled, lost too much money. He refused to bail her out so she set up a date"

She watched as Travis' jaw muscles bunched and then un-bunched, his chest suddenly heaving as he took a breath, his mind seemingly assuming the worst

"It's not necessarily what you think" she said quietly as she sat on the edge of his bed and began to pick at the black nail polish she had layered on just hours earlier

"It better not be or there's about to be a war, I swear to God" he glared down at her, his height and stature making her feel tiny and feeble

"The plan was to do whatever we had to do until they were asleep and then rob them. Carlo owns a string of restaurants and his brother Rocco is known as an easy way to get to him, he's younger, eager to please, it was supposed to be an easy way to get my mom out of trouble without involving my dad but then you turned up and now my sister is heading home alone and without the money my mom needs" Taylor ran both hands through her hair

"Not your problem, that's your moms problem. She wants to gamble then she has to pay the debt"

"It's not that easy Travis !" huffed Taylor as she leant back on her arms and watched as Travis' gaze moved slowly up her thighs "My mom... if she doesn't get money this way she's going to need to get it from somewhere else, someone else"

"The old guy from the restaurant? That's your moms problem Taylor, let her use your sister as 'bait' this time"

Taylor just shook her head gently, her eyes darkening only this time with sadness not want "He doesn't... my mom, Maya, they um... they aren't..." She struggled to find the words, struggled to form a sentence that wouldn't make Travis lose his mind "They aren't  who he wants"

Travis' eyes narrowed as she watched his Adam's apple bob up and down a couple of times, waiting for him to speak, to rant, to over react but instead he stared at her in a terrifying silence


"Don't!" He snapped as he scooped up his laptop from the pine beside table and then pulled back the duvet on his bed "Get in" he demanded and Taylor scurried to obey him, unsure what he was about to show her or why

Once she was under the cover, her back against his soft pillows he slid in next to her wrapping an arm over her shoulders and pulling her as close to him as humanly possible

"Do you like Harry Potter?" He asked and Taylor couldn't help but snort at the question "It's a yes or a no question Taylor not one that requires snot to be sprayed all over my bed"

"I've actually never seen it" She confessed, snuggling in a little closer, loving the feel of his muscular arms holding her tightly to his naked chest. His warmth and scent enveloping her in a protectiveness she had never known before

"Okay, first of all you're lucky I didn't just kill you for that statement. Who hasn't seen Harry Potter?!" He flipped open his laptop and began hunting around for something

"Well that's just not really the type of program my mom encouraged us to watch growing up" his fingertips dug into the top of her arm, obviously not eager to hear about the 'types of programmes' her mom encouraged her to watch

"Okay well tonight I introduce you to my best friend Harry and then tomorrow... we'll, that's another day"

"What are you going to do?" She asked nervously, keeping her gaze on the screen

"Don't you worry about it, it's my problem now not yours just know you're safe and all that shit ends here, tonight"

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