The Magical Mystery Tour

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"Don't look at me like that" grunted Travis as he looked up at Taylor from his bowl of cereal

"Like what?"

"Like you're overthinking what happened last night"

"I'm not even thinking about what happened last night you egotistical maniac, I'm just thinking... 'I wonder if he realises he has a milk moustache going on right now'" Taylor giggled as she poured herself an orange juice and then pushed some books into her bag

"How was school yesterday? You didn't say"

"Well to be fair you didn't ask because you were too busy pushing your tongue down my throat but it was fine" Taylor lied, embarrassed to admit to Travis that Cassie had told the entire school she had gone home from the bar and had sex with three old, disgusting men and she had been taken into the principals office and stripped of her place on the cheer team before receiving a phone call from the bank informing her that a blond girl had drained her bank account of nearly five thousand dollars before they had frozen her card 

"I'll drop you off today and then Jason will pick you up, I'm going out of town"


"Because none of your business"

"The fight isn't for a while yet" Taylor argued, her chest tightening  at the thought of Travis fighting a much larger opponent and probably getting  hurt 

"It's not about the fight"

"So why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's none of your business"

"Fine!" Taylor slammed her glass onto the kitchen counter and then turned her back on Travis

"Taylor..." she remained silent "Taylor look..." he pushed up from his seat just as the front door opened and Jason walked in, breaking the tension like a pin through a balloon

"Oh, you two are still here, I was pretty sure you would have eaten each other alive after the noises that were coming out of your room last night"

"Blame your brother, he couldn't keep
his mouth to himself" Taylor huffed whilst slipping on her jacket "And he's the loudest kisser I ever kissed"

"Excuse me it was you moaning my name into my mouth"

"In your dreams, anyways, as much as rehashing a 'just okay' kiss appeals to me I'm going to go and wait in the car"

"My kisses are never 'just okay' you grinding your pussy against my thigh like some dog in heat is testament to that"

"I hate you"

"Until tonight and then it will be all 'Oh  Travis...' 'Oh Baby that feels so good'"

"Can you two just please FUCK already so we can get rid of this sexual tension before it suffocates us all to death or makes me lose my fuckin mind"

"No thanks" smirked Taylor as she grabbed her school bag and headed for the door making sure to slam it loudly as she headed down the steps to the street where her white SUV was waiting.

Gazing out of the window Travis waited until she was safely seated in the passenger side before using the clicker to lock the car

"Very smart choice" said Jason as he moved closer to his brother and gazed out of the window onto the street below as they watched Taylor attempt to open the car door and then throw herself back against the seat in frustration

"What do you mean?"

"Well I didn't want to say anything In front of Taylor and freak her out but there was a black car parked outside of the apartment when I got home last night, two guys in it I didn't recognise so I put in a call, the info came back that it belongs to some businessman, Roger someone"

"To do with the fight?"

"Probably to do with Taylor, Travis I know you and her are complicated and there's a lot she doesn't know , probably a lot you don't even know but... you kind of made a promise to keep her safe and after what went down at her house and what's about to go down because of Adamson I just think the safest place for her to be is with you"

"But I have to go... I have to be somewhere tomorrow"

"Take her with you " Jason said as he raised his hands in a gesture that told Travis his brother thought this was the easiest thing ever

"Fuck that!"

"Travis! Brother! You like this girl. I know you probably hate the fact that she got to you but she has and tomorrow... it's no big deal"

"It's a big fuckin deal to me"

"Yeah... Travis, you and Taylor..."

"It's a fuckin disaster before it even happens"

"Dude, it already happened, it's already happening, whether you like it or not, choose to accept it or not but I see it... every time you look at her, you look at her like she's made of pure gold"

"Next time you see me look at her like that promise you'll gouge my eyeballs out" Travis pouted and shook his head in disgust

"I can collect her from school and bring her back here but I can't protect her like you can, you know that"

Travis wiped a hand over his mouth as his brain struggled to weigh up the pros and cons of the conversation quickly enough

"She finds out where you're going tomorrow so what?! What are you so afraid of?!"

"That she'll know me, that she's getting to know me when I have tried so hard to keep everyone away from me"

"Travis..." Jasons hand came down gently onto is brothers shoulder "Taylor is special to you, she's... she's been sent to you for a reason and I know you're scared and I know she has all this shit of her own but... one of these days you're going to have to let someone in, why not now? Why not her?"

"Because you're right, I am scared. When I'm with her I just... I feel more than I can cope with, my brain struggles to make sense of anything when I need to keep it clear and be focused"

"Your brain is a mess because it's drowning in fuckin chemicals, you want the girl, you need the girl now. be a fuckin man and put us all out of our misery and go get the fuckin girl"

"She's not going to want me"

"Of course she won't. This is Taylor we're talking about she's not going to make a second of it easy for you but she likes you, you know it, I know it, put in the effort, let down your guard, take her with you tomorrow let her see the part of you she's been looking for"

"The human part?"

Jason just nodded, his long curls bouncing around his head

"I don't have a human part, it died a long time ago" with those words Travis pushed his cereal bowl from him before grabbing Taylors car keys and heading to the door.

Each concrete step to the road below took the full weight of Travis Kelce as he stomped down them and then across the asphalt, clicking the key and then heaving open the car door and dropping into the drivers seat

"I hate when you pull that protective shit" Taylor huffed, crossing her arms and gazing out the passenger side window

"Bullshit, you love it. Change of plan, Jason won't be collecting you from school I will"

"But I thought you were disappearing on one of your magical mystery tours"

"Yeah well, surprise, surprise I'm taking you with me"

"No way, I hate boxing, two numbskulls beating the shit out of each other, cheered on by testosterone it's..."

"It's not boxing"

"What is it then?" Taylor asked, her eyebrows lowered

"It's something else"

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