The Boy From Newton High

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2 Weeks Later

"Taylor!" Cassie Kamares hurried across the high school car park in search of her best friend but for some reason Taylor seemed determined to avoid her "Tay!"

"Whatever it is I'm not in the mood Cass" Taylor pulled her long braid over one shoulder and then continued to hurry towards the school entrance

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing" Suddenly Taylor came to a complete stop "My family are insane"

"Your mom?"

"And my sister and my grandma. I'm so sick of all of them and now I have to go and put on a skimpy fuckin uniform and strut around a boxing ring whilst two meat heads box lumps out of each other. Could my life be any more lame?!" Taylor wiped a hand over her face, not caring if she smudged her makeup, it had taken her seconds to apply anyways, her every day mask of eyeliner, mascara and a swipe of lip gloss.

"Well do you want to go out tonight? We could hit a bar, get some lame guy to buy us drinks and then go to a club"


"No?!" Cassie clamped her hand to her friends forehead as though she thought she was sick but the impatient blond just raised her hand and pried her fingers from her skin

"N.O" and with that she turned and disappeared into the school, stomping down the corridor to the changing room, ready to change into the tiny outfit the school had seen fit to choose for the 'ring girls' to wear


"Can you believe this shit?!" Growled Taylor as she did a turn in front of the full length mirror that stood just inside the high school changing room "What decade are we in where girls would have to dress like this whilst two guys beat the shit out of each other?"

"It's what you sign up for when you join the cheer squad I guess" replied a black girl wearing the same tiny red spandex shorts and tiny spandex sports bra that now barely covered Taylors curves

"Yeah well I only did that so I could get Ashton's attention, if I had known he had such a limp dick I wouldn't have bothered"

The other girl observed herself in the mirror, pulling her low cut top even lower "Well from what I hear Newton Highs top boxer is beyond hot. Tall, jacked, eyes that make your panties disintegrate..."

Taylor cocked an eyebrow at the information she had just received. She hadn't had sex since the night of the green eyed stranger, not because she was pining after him just because she hadn't come across a guy that had piqued her interest since then, maybe a tall, sexy boxer from Newton High was just what she needed... for one night anyways

Not even bothering to lower her top, knowing it was her ass that got her all the male attention she released her plait, running her fingers through her long, blond curls she reached for her lip gloss and then turned her attention to her team mate "You're up for some friendly competition aren't you Leila?"

"Bring it on" the girl grinned "But it will be me in his bed by the end of the night"

"We'll see" Taylor replied confidently, it was rare if ever that a boy turned her down nowadays because if she couldn't charm him into her bed l with her ass-ets she could buy him...


Sitting on the bleachers Taylor kept her eyes fixed on the door through which the Newton High Boxing Team would appear, she had already managed to sneak a peek into the locker room earlier and although there were one or two boxers that may have gotten her attention during a desperately dry spell there was no sign of the guy with the power to disintegrate panties.

Leila has informed her that he was the their star boxer, he had been undefeated since junior high so the chances were he would be the last one to appear through the door but as the music began to play and the lights dimmed Taylor found her heart beginning to speed up at the thought of finally setting eyes on the man that had become her target for the night

The first man out was short and stocky and already had a cauliflower ear. Taylor and Leila laughed and gave him a 4 out of 10, agreeing they would both have to be totally wasted and there would have to be no other men left on Earth

The next two through the door were taller and more muscular so they both went on the 'maybe' list, if  the panty melter for some reason or other turned out to be just a rumour or gay or...

"Shit!" Taylor muttered under her breath as her heart began to race "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Oh. My. God!" Drawled Leila, lifting her pointer finger to her mouth a biting down on it gently "Girl I think I just died and went to heaven"

"That's him?" Taylor didn't even know why she was asking, it couldn't be anybody else

"It has to be"

"Taylor please... please step back and let me have him"

"Sorry Leila, no can do" Taylor shook her head resolutely, images of her night between the sheets with the 'panty melter' filling her mind and providing her with the sweetest ache between her legs.

Stepping down from the bleachers, Taylor fluffed her hair before heading towards the tall boy that was busy wrapping his hands

"Imagine seeing you here" she said, keeping her voice low and seductive but the boy barely looked up at her "Oh don't pretend you don't remember me" she frowned, her confidence beginning to lessen

"I remember you just fine" He replied whilst briefly flicking his eyes up at her and then returning to his wraps, seemingly uninterested in making any further conversation with her


"Well what?"

"Thats really all you have to say to me?"

"It's more than I had to say to you actually" he replied, again looking to her for less than a second and then returning his gaze to what he was doing

"Wow, you're a king sized dick head, who knew?"

"And you're a pocket sized princess" This time he did look up at her, his green eyes were matt and cold as they moved over her face, never once dropping lower to the body that was almost completely on show "Look we had fun, that doesn't mean I owe you another round or a conversation"

"Another round?! As if I would touch you again"

"Good, we're agreed,now goodbye and tell your little friend over there not to waste her time either. I'm not interested in either of you"

Fury burned in Taylors chest and threatened to force its way through her throat and cover this ass hole in every foul word or name she had ever heard but she had pride, yes he had just dinted it but she knew her worth and a jerk like this wasn't worth her fury so she spun and stomped back to Leila, filling her in on what a dick head the guy was and what he had said about not approaching.

Both girls just sat with their arms crossed staring at the man with the most beautiful of outsides but seemingly the most ugly of insides

"Cass!" Taylor called across the hall to her friend "I changed my mind about tonight" her friend held up a thumb and Taylor settled back on the bleachers allowing her hopes for that night to replace the hopes she had when she saw the man she had shared the hottest night of her life with, walk into the hall just a short time earlier.

Taylor crossed her arms and huffed in annoyance, her gaze fixed now on her white sneakers so she missed the way the man's eye brows had lifted in interest as he heard Taylor and her friends making plans for that evening

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