Chapter 5: The Cuteness Overloaded

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Hey a big hello to all.

I am updating this chapter from my phone so please bear if you read something odd

I wanted to update so much so I took the risk

Now back to the chapter.

Enjoy !!

Chapter 5: Cuteness Overload

After shopping with Reyan, we had dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant. Reyan told me that he was not going to let me out sight until we got home; he already got me a pain reliever spray and a crepe bandage. I told him that I was fine but he never listened. He looked cute though, he furrowed his eyebrows at me and I couldn't refuse to anything he did.
We were at the parking lot when Reyan came in between me and my scooty holding out his hand, I raised my eyebrow confused.
"Give me the keys, I'll drive," He said sternly.
"No" I refused shaking my head.
"I will," He pressed.
"No ways. How did you come here by the way?" I asked him, I never thought how he reached here.
"Nikhil dropped me," He said, "Now give me the keys." He ordered holding his hand in front of me.
"No, no one drives Paris besides me, not even Riya." I told him crossing my arms against my chest.
"I know, Riya told me." He shrugged.
"So that means I am not giving you the keys, I will drop you home first and then go my place." I told him. If he was stubborn so was I.
"No you are not, I told you I am not letting you out of my sight so I will drive us to your place and then I'll call Nikhil to pick me up. Plus your hand needs rest" Reyan said sternly.
Oh god, he was all-protective of me, I just met him yesterday. This was not the first time though, this was a kind of déjà vu for me, but Reyan didn't know about it. Its better he doesn't or he will also see me as I see everyone seeing me.
Pity and I am done with that for a lifetime.
"Do not act like a child Reyan I am fine, I am driving and that's final." I said hooking my bags in the front and sitting on the front part of the scooty. "Come on."I said giving him the extra helmet. He took it and sat behind me. Still sulking, gosh he acts so childishly.
"You know Paris?" I asked trying to lighten his mood as I started the engine.
"Yeah, Riya told me once." He told me. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was smiling now. Mission accomplished.
"When?" I asked him curiously. Riya never mentioned Reyan before but he knew who I was? Not fair.
"The day when you got your scooty, I was on the phone with her when I heard you in the background. When I asked her who it is she said it was her little cousin getting excited, screaming and jumping all around the house as she got her scooty." He laughed; I could see it in the rear view mirror he looked so good while laughing.
I am sure I looked like a tomato; thank god he couldn't see me I was so embarrassed. It was a year ago when I got Paris, I was so happy after a long time, I was screaming with excitement all over the house calling it the love of my life and vehicle of my dreams and Reyan heard it all. Wow! (note the sarcasm).
Throughout the ride we bickered that who's place should we go first. Reyan kept insisting that we should go my place and he'll call Nikhil to pick him up but I refused
"It's only 8 right now Reyan. I can go myself. I'll call you when I reach and my place is like 5 minutes away from yours."I persuaded
"Fine" He said grudgingly and pouted like a child.
We reached Nikhil's place, which was a huge mansion. Yes a mansion in Bangalore. Did I forget to mention that Nikhil was filthy rich? I'm sure I missed it. It's not easy to get such a big property in Bangalore. Reyan got down and handed me the helmet. I looked up and saw Riya coming out. I quickly shut off the engine and we both jog up to them.
Riya was blushing and Nikhil was goofily grinning.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked now walking towards both of them.
Riya hugged me as I reached there. Whoa, that's odd. Riya was a touchy person unlike me but hugging me suddenly? It's fishy.
"What happened to you?" I asked her
She broke away from the hug and blushed as she showed her left hand. I was confused at her actions until I realized that a huge diamond was sitting on her ring finger. We both looked at each other for a moment and then screamed together
"He proposed and you said yes." I was jumping and so was Riya
She showed her teeth in a full ear-to-ear grin and nodded.
"Oh. My. God. This is so awesome!" I exclaimed with excitement. My sister got proposed!
"Hush girls!" Nikhil shouted, "We have neighbors... and it's not like we are married or something yet." He blushed at his own words.
Nikhil used to be a typical rich spoilt boy. Riya and Nikhil's fathers are business partners. They both met each other when both the companies collaborated. Their story is so cliché to hear. Riya was nine, soon to be ten and Nikhil was ten when they both met. Riya the mischievous, cheerful, happy go lucky girl who played pranks on everyone met the spoilt mischievous boy. They instantly clicked and became best friends, and after being friends for five years love blossomed and they became a couple.
"Look at you." I teased Nikhil pinching is red cheeks, "Who knew The Nikhil Shergill could blush like a girl." I laughed, Reyan joined, and Riya too chuckled.
"I don't blush." Nikhil said pouting swatting my hands away.
"Sure, but the pink color of your cheeks say something else." I smirked at him.
"Yeah and who knew the queen of pranks could look like a tomato." Reyan said putting his arm on my shoulders and we both laughed high fiving each other.
"Okay that's enough teasing." Riya finally stopped blushing.
"What's cooking between you two?" Nikhil asked now standing beside Riya looking at Reyan and me with an amused smile.
I realized what he meant and so did Reyan and jerked his arm away from me and I pulled of my hand from his. Riya and Nikhil exchanged knowing glances.
Reyan coughed "You both should go home now, it's getting late. Plus I want all the details from my brother." He said hurriedly.
"Yeah me too...let's go Riya." I motioned her to come as I walked towards the scooty "Good Night guys." I said and went away from the awkward situation.
"Good night Nikhil." Riya said as she pecked Nikhil's cheek "You too Reyan." She wished Reyan
They waved us as we left.
We reached home, none of us was hungry so we quickly changed into our PJs and I went to Riya's room asking all the details.
"First tell me how was your day, then I'll tell you about mine." Riya demanded
Therefore, I told her about what happened at the coffee shop, the bookshop, where she scolded me again for being ignorant and careless and I rolled my eyes at her. Then I told her about the car-parking incident leaving out the part where Reyan and I hugged each other. After I finished telling her Riya hugged me tightly.
"Oh my poor baby, I am so sorry you had to go through all this." She sniffled. I pulled away and saw she was crying. She took my injured wrist in her lap and cried again. I pushed her straight and wiped her tears.
"You don't need to cry Ri I fought bravely, even the officer said that and Reyan came on time to help. I don't know without his help I could fight those people but I don't want to think about it. I am fine as of now and I used Hridhan's tricks for defense." I consoled her.
If Riya and I were close, my older brother and I were closer. We would fight over small things like a coloring book to big things like whom should we date, but he understood me more than anyone. Don't tell this to my mom, she would be hysterical hearing this.
Hridhaan, my older brother, he was 3 years older than me, tall, fair, jade green eyes, handsome chiseled face and a well built body. A drool worthy boy, still he never let any girl or any ego come between us. If we weren't so close, I won't be standing here.
"Hridhaan's tricks? I would want to see what happened to those men, I hope it's a permanent damage especially if it made them impotent." Riya seethed and I chuckled
"Well too much about bad things" I tried to change the topic I couldn't see Riya crying again "Tell me how Nikhil proposed you" I asked excitedly.
Riya instantly blushed but she composed herself as she put a pillow on her crossed legs.
"I was in my room, watching T.V when Nikhil called me saying to hurry up, get ready and he was downstairs and it was urgent. When I came down, I saw Nikhil and his bike at the entrance of the apartment, I swear he did that on purpose, I hate the death ride of his." She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.
"He told me he wanted to show me something being unusually vague. We went to his place as he said he has some surprise for me, he asked to go wait upstairs on the terrace for him and he'll join me there in some time. As I reached I saw the whole terrace lit up in tiny fairy lights." I awed when she paused. I could see her eyes gleaming while she told me all this.
"I saw a projector and there was a makeshift bed on the ground," She continued, "Nikhil came up with a picnic basket and champagne in his hands. When I asked him what this was all about, he simply shrugged and he wanted to go to the movies with me but it was houseful so he decided to set this up and watch my favorite movie DDLJ. It was so romantic Aru" She cooed and continued when she saw me listening intently "When the movie got over I cried as usual and turned to my left to see if Nikhil was laughing at me or not and I realized he was not there, I turned my head on the other side and saw Nikhil standing up. He asked me to dance, which I happily agreed and guess on which song we danced?" She asked me excitedly stopping her story in the middle to which I knew the answer.
"Mere hath mein from Fanaa. It's Nikhil's favorite and reminds me of both of you so much." I told her confidently.
She grinned, "Yes, but when he played the song it wasn't the original, and it was Nikhil himself singing the song. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes, he sounds awful, but he did it for me.
I realized how much he loved me at that moment and how much I loved the man in whose arms I was dancing. The song ended and Nikhil bent on one knee... I can even quote the lines he said; I remember those lines by heart." Riya's eyes watered with happiness.
"He said," She continued her eyes still gleaming with the tears of joy and I listened intently, " I know you since I was a kid, we grew up together as kids and as teenagers, our friendship, our love has grown with us, blossoming over time. People say love decreases with time, I am proud ours didn't and I knew it when I first said those three magic words to you. I meant it then and every time I tell you that I love you I mean it and when I'm saying this I am 100% sure about it.
Riya I know we are still very young and it's not the right time ,we both have to do so much in life but I really want to ask you this and I can't wait.
You were with me in every phase of my life, you made me a better man, and now sitting on one knee, I request you to do the same but not just as my best friend or my girlfriend, but also as my wife.
Riya Malhotra will you give me the honor of being your husband?" She finished and I awed.
I didn't wanted her to stop it was so beautiful, I knew Nikhil was romantic but this... this is amazingly over the top. This was cuteness overload.
"I was so surprised," Riya continued, "We are yet to graduate and we have our whole careers waiting to start and it's such a big responsibility. I said yes because I wanted to, I want to marry Nikhil and stay with him my whole life I love him so much but I am so nervous at the same time. What if I am not a good wife? What if I mess something up? How will I tell my family?" Riya hyperventilated. I held her shoulders and motioned her to breathe in and out, she calmed a bit after a moment.
"Ri, your parents will be happy, I am sure they are expecting this if not now then later and you will be a wonderful wife and an amazing daughter in law, you can't even mess anything because Nikhil's family loves you as their daughter. So calm down and be happy, you are engaged with the man you love. No what-ifs now" I told her with a big grin.
Riya grinned goofily at me "Yeah you are right."
"Okay then sis I'm calling it a night, good night and Nikhil dreams." I said playfully nudging her with my elbow.
"Yeah, good night to you too" Riya said blushing.
I went to my room and sat on my bed, smiling over Nikhil's proposal to Riya, my sister will be married soon to the guy of her dreams. I was thinking about them when my phone beeped, I picked it up and saw Reyan's message.

Reyan: Good night. Sweet dreams. Take care :)

I quickly replied and pulled over the covers and went into deep sleep with a broad smile on my face.


How was Nikhil's proposal ?
Did you find Reyan's protectiveness cute?
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Until next time .....

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