Chapter 17: The Cliffhanger

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Hi guys sorry for the delay but I think Saturday is the day I should update from now on. I am too tired on Fridays, I can't believe I slept on my dad's laptop while editing.

Well I can I am talented like that.

Anyways, here's another update. It's going to be a leap of 2 months as I can't drag the past so much.



Chapter 17: The Cliffhanger

2 months later


I grunted as I stopped my alarm from blaring. Thank god it was Friday or I would die, the days have been hectic as the Presentation was in a few weeks and there was so much work that was left. I was getting off my bed my phone beeped showing a message. I opened the inbox to see that it was from Reyan and my lips quirked up in a smile.

Reyan: Gud mornin Anna :*

Me: Gud mornin bad boy ;p

Reyan: How did u sleep?

Me: Gud, no nightmares, n u?

It has been one and a half month since my nightmares have completely stopped. I had random dreams but no nightmares and Reyan made it his hobby to check if I was fine, he asked me to wake him up whenever I woke up from the nightmares. I obviously didn't tell him when I used to wake up, but I couldn't hide it when he asked in the morning and one day they stopped, no wolves, no monsters, but only the monster slayer. I saw him frequently but those dreams were never nightmares, I always ended up chasing him and he would disappear. Reyan's message pulled me out of my thoughts as I read his message.

Reyan: Awesome. Dreamt of u :)

My heart drummed wildly with his single message.

Me: Then dream on bad boy, I gotta go, meet u in college.

I knew he was kidding and he knew I knew he wasn't serious with the flirting, he clearly said it the day when we all went out for ice cream after dinner with Nikhil's parents ...


"What have you children planned for future" Nikhil's dad, Rahul asked us while we ate our ice creams.

"I'll get a job under a well-known brand, work for them gain experience, make contacts and then start my own line" Riya said first with confidence.

"That's very well thought Riya, good to know you don't just want to sit at home after marriage" Nikhil's mom, Anita said with a smile.

"Mom" Nikhil said giving his mother a playful glare which she waved off.

"What about you Reyan?" Nikhil's mom said and his father nudged her a bit. What was that?

"Maybe some job after college, I don't know, I haven't explored options but I am really into management so maybe I'll do an MBA" Reyan said casually.

"What about you Ariana?" Nikhil's dad asked me.

"I would say I need to explore things more too, I mean I would really like to go into event management business, although I have no experience but I helped in my other cousin's wedding preparations and birthday party organizing so maybe that. We'll see." I told them confidently.

"You have grown up so much Ariana, last time I remember I asked you what you want to be, you said, you want to marry Prince Charming when you grow up" Nikhil's dad told us with a laugh.

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