Chapter 18: The Realization Strikes

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Hi guys!

I am here with another update and the most unbelievable thing is that I am updating from my college.

We usually don't study. Funny me being the nerd.

P.s- I love the way the views and comments are progressing, thanks a ton. Love you guys!!

Enjoy the chapter anyways!


Chapter 18: The Realization Strikes

"Your Dad is going to hate me" Reyan said for the hundredth time since we arrived at the airport 15 minutes ago, and the thousandth time since we sat in the car.

"If you don't shut up this instant Reyan, I am going to cut your tongue and feed it to the Piranhas" Riya snapped, finally shutting Reyan up. For a while he was normal but then he started tapping his foot on the ground and his fingers on his arm.

"Come on" I said standing up and Reyan looked at me with a confused expression.

"What?" Reyan asked.

"Come on, there is still time for them to come out, let's roam around here" I explained taking out my hand in front of Reyan, he grabbed it and stood up "Nikhil give us a call if we don't come back till they are here" I told Nikhil and he nodded.

I took Reyan's hand and pulled him through the crowd with me as we went towards the exit of the airport waiting area. I stopped when I saw that the place was quieter than the others and faced Reyan who looked at me with a confused frown.

"What's the matter?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

"Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space" Reyan replied with a grin and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think I am in a mood to joke?" I said flatly as Reyan scratched the back of his neck. "Why are you freaking about meeting my dad?" I asked him bluntly.

"Uhh... Anna... actually" Reyan stuttered. He sighed loudly and stood straight "Look the thing is that I feel that fathers don't like me. I was 15 when I asked out a girl, she freaked out and complained her parents, her father came to school and I was in deep trouble after that. That scared me, I am scared that if your father saw the old Casanova me and asked you to stay away from me then what would I do. I can't stay away from you Anna, you are the bestest friend I've ever got, I will lose my mind if I lost you because I..." Reyan stopped all of a sudden from his rambling and something inside me flipped. I swear I felt as if my heart would bounce out of my chest it was beating so hard.He didn't finish what he was saying but I understood.

I had no idea what to do or what to say so I hugged him, words weren't enough to tell him that I liked him more than he could ever I had to ensure him that I wasn't going anywhere he too was my best friend and I had no words to tell him that even if my father doesn't like him, he will still be my best friend.

Reyan stiffened at first but he hugged me back tightly after a few seconds and I knew that he understood that I wasn't going anywhere. I will never leave him ever, even if he falls in love with another girl, even if he goes away I will hold on to him. He is after all my bad boy best friend.

We pulled apart after a few minutes and I saw Reyan smile like I've never seen before. His grin was wide from ear to ear, his white teeth on full display and my heart was beating like a mad man dancing.

"Can we go back now?" I asked him and he nodded. On our way back to Nikhil and Riya, Reyan intertwined our hands passing electricity through me, I squeezed his hand to ensure him that I won't go anywhere.

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