A Small Miracle

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There are days when it doesn't pay to get out of bed, well today wasn't one of them. Carla and I were walking outside to find out what the noise was coming from the enclosed porch. It has snowed overnight and we just heard the front porch door close. We dressed quickly after hearing the noises coming from the front porch. I see a tub and hear sounds coming from inside the tub. I see a blanket and some movement and suddenly Carla pulls the blanket up and there are four bright blue eyes looking at us scared and crying. We gather the tub and take them inside the house next to the fireplace we have heating up the place. Carla has brought blankets and towels from the linen closets. She removes the babies from the tub and strips their wet clothing off of them. I then see a note left with the babies. The boy is maybe not even a year old and the little girl is possibly not even a month old. We couldn't have our own children so I know what is going through Carla's mind right now.

Who does this to two innocent babies, in this day and age and so many people wanting to adopt babies, such as Ray and myself. We find something to put on their little bottoms and Ray has to go get food and diapers for these babies while he figure out what to do regarding them. His four by four will make it to the store and he hopes it has what we need for these little ones. Soon he is back with baby items and baby medicine just in case vapor rub and diapers, ointment, baby bottles, everything he thought we would need. It costs a lot, but we can afford it. He goes and brings two small wooden boxes and has padded them with towels padding and blankets. We get the babies into the diapers and the little warm clothing he found for them he even got snowsuits for them as well well. Soon the babies are full and sleeping. We have not taken a good look at them until now. The note was hard to read, Ray said it isn't even English. He looks up a few words he could make out and tries to translate the rest of it. He said Robert and Anastasia are their names. The language they were using was Russian. We are in a small town by the name of Montesano. We call the chief of police and file a report. We are on the list to adopt and it is hard to adopt kids in a small town. Not many give up their children and if they do its to relatives. We don't have any relatives and we don't recall any Russian families who live here.

Chief Rogers
It is a miracle these children were dropped on the porch of a couple who has been on a list to adopt for sometime now. For them to have two babies put on their front porch and in the middle of a snow storm is quite something. They made sure they were dry and fed and bundled up before they called me. It's Saturday morning and there are no places with beds for two babies much less any other children. The caseworker knows the Steele's and so do every other person here in town.

Caseworker April Davis
I was sleeping soundly when Chief Rogers called me to find a place for two babies that were left on the Steele's porch. He told me the whole story and I call and no one has a bed for babies or any other child, in other words don't call us we will call you if we have a bed. I ask the chief if he could ask the Steele's to keep them until I can find them a bad? He said he was sure they would want to keep them and adopt them if it comes to that. They are going to become attached to those babies. I look up their file and I think about how I can handle this. Two abandoned babies left on the porch if a couple who want to adopt babies have suddenly became the top candidates for adopting these two abandoned babies. I call Chief Rogers and have him take the report and the time they think the babies were left on their porch. I need a full description and photos of what they were left in and whatever they can tell me.

Three months later Ray and Carla Steele have adopted Robert David and Anastasia Rose as their own children. They have been the best parents I ever turned babies over to and the community came forward to be witnesses for them to adopt the babies.

Grace and I have adopted our last child and she is four months old now. The boys are six and Eight years old now and they really haven been around babies. So it is taking them some time to get used to her and what she needs or how she plays. Elliott hates the diapers, Christian tries to change her diapers and feed her when she is hungry. He is a good brother like that. Elliott will play with his sister but hates the stinky diapers and her throwing food at him.

Mia Miranda Grey is very special to us. She is the last child we are adopting. We hoped for it to be a girl and at the last minute we got a girl instead of a newborn boy. She is beautiful and slender but she is going to be tall. She has already been picky about her little outfits. I am going to need to return items she has refused to let me put on her. A fashionista before she is even walking. It is funny now, but later it might be very expensive. She seems to have expensive taste. It was a closed adoption so I don't know if she came from a rich family.

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