Police Investigation

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Detective Arden Smith
Hmm I am checking the scene out after discovering that there was a struggle between Elena and whoever used her hands to shove the syringe into her chest. They went through her implant and into her heart. We discovered a drink that had been drugged along with her drink with lipstick on it. Only her prints were on both glasses. But it was obvious someone else was here. Mr Rodriquez Jr had an appointment and found the door ajar and walked in a discovered her laying there with the syringe in her chest. She has been in the ICU and on a ventilator for two days. No one has called about her missing, we had to look around her house. No one was there but a lot of calls were on her cell phones. We had to find out who might have behind this, we couldn't search her place. If she was dead we could search it, but she is alive and lucky to be alive. They had to remove her implants to stop the bleeding and the fluid leaking from the infection the saline caused. She basically has nothing but bandages on her cheat area.

The world is voices and I hear them and feel everything they do to me, but I can't say anything or move anything. Everything feels different and more intense. I am finally able to open my eyes and look from side to side and up and down but I can't move my head or my body. I was overpowered by Jack and discovered he hadn't even drank the drugged drink I sat in front of him. I made the mistake of trying to plunge the syringe into his neck. He reacted very quickly and turned my hands around and plunged it into me. I have no idea what the drug was but I am finding out it was not something good. Rather than just sedating me it has caused me to be caught in my own mind and suffering in excruciating pain. I can't even communicate with the people around me. They don't know how much pain they cause me with every touch. Then I see him sitting there smiling and he knows that he has paid me back for all the pain that I had given to him for years and years until he found a way out. I am just now realizing that he had to have plastic surgery because of my tortures to his body and eventually his face. The star at the base of his neck gave him away. He had them move me so I could see his beautiful face and eyes. The surgeon was the best in the world. He was the one that I got the drug from, something tells me he knew that I would end up victim to it myself. He waits until the staff leaves the room and tells me thanks for naming him as my power of attorney. I didn't do that. Then he leans down and tells me he prepared Jack for my trap. I made sure no one would ever want to Tyler Duncan after I was done with him. He got his videos and photographs, well not all of them but enough to make him think he had everything. I drugged him and started destroying his body and face, I left the star because it had my name within the internal designs of the puzzle. He kept it as well. He leaves me all alone in my hell.

Dr Lewis Davis
She has no money or anything left to pay her hospital bills here, so she has to go to a full time care facility. A caseworker will handle everything to get her signed up for all the programs to get her settled in her new care facility.

Tyler Duncan
I sell everything as quickly as I can and there are a lot of interested buyers that want it all. Richard Lincoln had a proxy but it all for a song. He brought in the police to go through all the properties before he had them all torn down. What they found was enough to put Elena behind bars for numerous lifetimes, they found out she was the head of the human trafficking operation on this coast. I made sure they found all the bodies and all the files on the victims she sold and to whomever they were sold to. My files were destroyed after she destroyed my body and face. I still remember that well and my nightmares have finally stopped after seeing her like that. They won't know about me or Jack Hyde. I made sure he got everything she had kept of him that day. No one knew about him visiting her that day. No one will ever know. I leave to go back to my wife and my twin teenage sons who she mad the mistake of approaching them at their school. A very huge mistake, they told me and security guards chased her off. She never stopped her pursuit of them, but they were always safe from her. The drug was transferred to her by a courier who never knew what he was picking up or from whom he got it from.

I am being moved to another place where they can care for me 24/7 until they can reverse the drug effects. I heard them say there is nothing to reverse the effects of the drug at this point so this is my life. My pain is excruciating and I can't be given anything for it because it could kill me. So I am living with tubes going in and out of me. A colostomy bag a catheter to collect my urine and things to feed me with. Monitors tracking my heart rate and whatever else. They move around to prevent bedsores and they exercise my limbs. The pain gets worse with every second and they can't do anything about it.

Detective Smith
The case of the attack on Elena Lincoln has grown and the number of people who want her dead has grown and the criminal activities we have found her involved in has grown and grown and arrests and saving her victims has increased all our work and they had to bring in other law enforcement to take over the case after they found out how widespread it was.

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