Diminished Capacity

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Judge Aaron Davis
I was transferred from my case to this case regarding Elena Lincoln. The Judge Ruth Collins had to recuse herself because of private reasons. I have to rule on if the person is not capable of helping with her case. After reading the reports it was an easy decision. I went further by going to see the woman in her room at a hospice center. I watched her and she definitely can't help with her case. So I delay her case until such time she becomes able to help with her case. The FBI decide to prosecute anyway, but it is in Federal hands now. All files are taken off my hands the second I signed off on the case. They moved her into custody in federal prison infirmary. They are using all her records against her and they will work. I am breathing easier now that the Feds took the case.

I am now in a federal prison and they are putting me on trial. The prosecutor is going for blood and my public defender could care less about me. I am being tried in absentia. I hear it all and meet with people but I can't respond in anything but blinks.

I watch the court case with interest until the Feds take it over. I am hoping no one will ever recall me being with her at different events. I have applied for a position at a publishing company as a copy writer and working my way up to editor and acquisitions manager in the next three years if possible. I have kept my nose clean since Elena. I have a psychiatrist that helps me with all my issues now.

I was cleared of all wrongdoings concerning Elena Lincoln and I tore all those job wanted things down and gave them to the cops. Dad and mom told me to never go to a strangers home again like this again and so did the cops. After the news broke about her true nature and her true occupation came out I definitely got lucky. So did so many others. She had been using her shipping company to ship out lots of human beings of all ages. She sold them at auction. Her husband divorced her long before she was exposed for all of this. Dad has me work for friends of his, the Steele's. Ray and Carla Steele have two children Robert and Anastasia. They are 12 and 11 years old. I help mr Steele in his workshop with various things. I get rides from a friend of mine to and from the Steele's.

Jose Rodriquez Sr and Paloma his wife helped when we moved here to Seattle. She used to a real estate broker that helped us get things settled. So after hearing him tell me what happened with Elena Lincoln and how his son found her and called 911. Then we found out she used those ads to lure young teens to her home and sone were sold and sone became her sex slaves until she got rid of them. They discovered she owned a crematorium under another name. Her ex husband had no idea who he really was married to. They lived in separate residences, they had a very odd marriage that she basically just used him for his name and his bank accounts. He left her because he wanted a different life. He was questioned about all of it and suspected of a lot as well. His attorneys confirmed that he had no idea what she was up to because he traveled for business all the time. He finally just gave her the shipping business and the home he bought her and he left with half of his assets in cash and now has a new business that he has not named Lincoln. He was investigated thoroughly and they found nothing illegal going on. Elena started running the companies and he couldn't stand her so he turned the businesses to her only, it was all documented. I am so glad that I followed my instincts about Lincoln shipping and left and started working for the Millers. Jose Jr is an artist and just needed money to buy his own stuff to create his art with. He has skills in taking photos as well. So I show him how to carve his art into wood.

I am glad that Ray is putting me to work using my own artistic talent and his abilities to carve my art into pieces of wood and furniture. He is encouraging me to put my artistic talent into what he is having me do for him. There are pieces of furniture he has started and some are going to be sold and I can add my name to the pieces along with the drawings if they want them as well. I am making very good money. Robert and Anastasia help out with the small things. She brings her friends over and so does Robert, I know the Grey and Kavanagh family from the news. I just had never met their children until they came to visit the Steele's. Amazing what you find out from other teenagers. Apparently I wasn't the only one who took one of those tabs. Elliott, Christian and Ethan did as well. But once their parents heard it was Elena Lincoln they refused to allow them to work for her. They never knew why they weren't allowed to even go to her house. I told them my experience and they knew the rest from their parents. Again I was lucky that someone had already did something to her because if she had tried anything with me she might be in worse shape. I found out she had attempted to drug someone and they didn't drink what they were given and she ended up with that syringe that left her alive but not able to moves anything but her eyes. The victims say that she did far worse to others.

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