Heart Of A Child

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We get the homes built for the future and have equal numbers to accommodate special needs and handicapped people. We were given a nice amount to help with all the special equipment needed for each of the homes we have earmarked for a long list of people who are waiting for these homes. We started out by creating a safe environment for all children to live and ended up with long lists of special needs and handicapped people of all ages. A school for these children is also included. A hospital is also being built. Special transportation is being offered as well. When we started this project we didn't see it getting this big. My staff has doubled and I have hired more handicapped people to ensure we are aware of their needs.

Melissa started out by making sure that children had safe homes and it grew from there to a small town. The project is called Heart Of Child. We believe that brought in a lot of funding. Anastasia thinks it's great that someone is doing this. Mom said she knows a few people who could help with the project. I tell her to talk to Melissa James about this project and give her Melissa's number. I know Melissa has people handling some of these things for her. Her books have been selling out. Kate is getting paid very well in royalties. She is wanting to write more books and she has started on a new one. The title is Heart Of A Child and she wants to use some of the information we have for the book. I tell her it's not up to me, it is all for mrs James to decide what she wants to do.

Our twins are terrible twos and they are all over the place. Barney has created various toys safe for them to learn. We have had our hands full since they came home. Now I get plenty of visits from their great grandparents and grandparents. I get sleep when I can.  My restaurant and catering is doing great. I hired several chefs and moved to a bigger building for the catering part of my business. I discovered that Elliott and Christian are helping with an amazing project and I decided to see about helping with it. It turns out that the mother that was crying so loudly lost everything the day my twins were born hers died. Kate told me recently she is writing about her and everything she went through along with the project she started and it snowballed into something bigger. Elliott and Christian got involved thanks to numerous others.

I have several lists for Melissa and she tells me that there will be a group who will go through the lists and choose which ones will be included in the opening and they will designate what home is compatible for them. Right now they are just shells waiting to be modified to suit the family members. I admire Melissa for her work and her strength in turning a bad situation into a great thing for others in need of a helping hand. I rub my baby bump and say there should be more people like Melissa. She is getting married to Thomas Sawyer soon. One of the security guys who assures Kate is safe. Mine are two women and two men, Christian wants me safe at all times. We are lucky enough to be able to have babies.

Anastasia is three months along with our son and we are being very careful with this pregnancy. Anastasia had a miscarriage the day Mia had her twins. We kept it quiet because it was so soon after we found out that we were having a baby. She was three weeks along. It was difficult to keep from crying over the loss of our baby because of our newest niece and nephew.

Thomas was like a light in the darkness for me. Kate introduced us and it was like we had known each other all our lives. He had to really talk me into dating him. Kate talked me into it and I am so glad she did. I can't believe how big the family is and I have been dragged out to their family get togethers. I met Mia and discovered her twins were born the same time mine were delivered. They are beautiful and very active. At two they definitely have everyone on their toes.

At first Melissa was not going to go out with me, but Kate helped me convince her and she finally agreed to go out with me and now we are getting married after everything is resolved with the housing projects. She has hired staff to help out and everyone of them had a very thorough background check. I hope it's sooner rather than later. We both lost our spouses and babies. Different ways though Felicity died with our twins on the way to the hospital due to preeclampsia and they couldn't save the twins because they were too tiny. Mine happened a year before hers did. Heart of a Child is a very wonderful project and they are moving families in now. Robert, Ruth, Anastasia and Grace are setting up the hospital staff and Christian has his HR team hiring everyone for management positions. Security teams are working hard to find the right people for other jobs in the community.

This has been a busy year for my firm and we have added a few more fledgling attorneys to our staff. It helps a lot. I am handing off some of my work to Carla and the rest of the staff. I want to be around my grandchildren more often. Everyone is working on the Heart Of A Child project and it is finally starting to move residents in and staffing the schools and the hospitals. Dentists are trying to get offices near it. They allowed two to open an office near the gates of the community.

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