Winter Wonderland

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Grace invited us over for Christmas dinner because Of the children and we agreed to join them for dinner. There's going to be another couple with children as well. Plus her mother and father. The place is gorgeous and the decorations look great. Snow people are in the yard with snow castles. Robert and Anastasia are thrilled to see all the beautiful decorations.

This is a big place, but I expected it to be since he has his own law firm and she is not only a pediatrician she is also a surgeon. Both are well known in Seattle. We park beside a couple of Mercedes Benz and a Rolls Royce. The sidewalk and steps are clear so we are able to walk up and ring the doorbell. A maid answers the door and she takes our coats and hands them off to another maid who disappears inside a door and returns shortly as we are taken to a nice big room where the Grey children and and two other children are playing something at a table. Robert and Anastasia head over to the other children. Both are introduced to the blonde headed girl and boy. We give Grace and Carrick the gift we brought for them and they hand it off to the maid after looking at it and thanking us. They introduce us to Theo and Maddie Grace's parents and Eamon and Enid Kavanagh who are the parents of Ethan and Kate the two blonde children who are playing contentedly with the others.

Ray definitely is ex military and he watches everything going on around him. Carla compliments him and she looks over at her children to assure they are okay.

I am looking over at the children and they all seem to be getting along with each other. I was a little surprised to see Eamon Kavanagh here, but I guess Enid got lucky and he was free today. A lot of rumors going around about him and they are true. He has been busy reporting on missing people in the Seattle area. A few people, including Eamon have thought there might be a human trafficking ring operating in the Seattle area and Washington state area. The list is growing and at first glance it only looked like homeless people, suddenly teens are missing from homes, schools and shopping areas.

The gift was a nice gesture and it will be used. I am still thrown a bit about the fact that Eamon is actually here with his family for once. I guess his harem were all busy. Eamon and Carrick start talking about Elena Lincoln and I listen intently to their conversation while mom is talking to Enid and Carla. I am listening and taking note because of things that have came to light at the hospital. They move the chat to Carrick's office and invite Ray and dad to join them. I really hate when the men do this to us women. If it has something to do with Elena Lincoln I will find out after they all leave for home.

I have all the men join me in the office so the children don't hear what we are going to discuss. It has been a growing concern about missing people and they are all ages and sexes. They have been last seen in all kinds of places. The police have no idea who is grabbing them and or why. They are from all walks of life. Eamon and his reports have been working hard trying to get the whole story on this but he is getting blocked left and right. He thinks that there are some bribes going on and they are covering up quite a big operation here in Seattle.

I listen to this and there are a few theories I have about all of this and I don't have proof so I won't be telling anyone who I believe it is. Saying this in front of Eamon would expose me to all kinds of litigation because he is all about selling newspapers. Can't say the name but I am sure of certain things and I can keep it quiet for now. Our grandchildren are very safe and so are the Steele's children. Being head of security at the Millers his family is protected from being kidnapped.

I keep my mouth shut because I know Eamon will definitely use what I say in here. We decide to keep our children safe at all costs. Carrick must know by now that I suspect the same person he suspects in the ongoing missing persons. Especially the teens, he has a teen son and another one about to be a teenager. But it isn't just teens missing. I am glad my children are protected, I know the Grey children are as well. Eamon hasn't been around to think he should have security on his two children or even his wife.

Maddie and I discuss Elena Lincoln and I learn a lot more than I wish about her. Enid listens and she knows all about her as well. She actually got most of her gossip from Esclava from the woman's own employees. She likes going in there when Elena is gone for the day. Maddie gets hers from the country club locker room. Apparently people say she owns BDSM clubs and are opening more. The Lincoln shipping company is really busy at this point. That is the company that Ray left and took all their documentation with him and got hired at the Millers.

I notice a look on Carla's face as I was talking about the Lincoln shipping company and it being very busy. We finally wind up the evening and say goodnight to everyone before we head to the room Grace keeps ready for our visits.

I am looking at Jack for moments and think that he did as asked by getting me into the employee party at Grey Law firm, but I wasn't well received by anyone. It might be because of our age differences. I tried to socialize but I felt a little bit out of place. The only friendly faces were the two young blue eyed brown haired children.

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