A Hook, Line And Sinker

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I watch as Colleen Duncan has tried to befriend Mia Miller. I have her in my sights and I have Ariel block her attempts. I have to say Candace is good at playing her role as a regular at Mia's restaurant. Candace is working on other things like hacking her phones and tracking her movements so we can catch Bruce as well. How they can just disappear into crowds is like they have trained in the same unit I did. But they are older than me by nearly twenty years old. Then I realize that they use that to their advantage. Those accessories aren't necessary, a wheelchair, a walker, a cast and other things that can assure no one stops them or they fall victim to the crowds helping them to escape.

Mia is in her last trimester when we noticed Colleen Duncan trying to get close to her as a friend. Barney has made sure she has plenty of security and security in the form of accessories she has on her at all times. Ariel is playing a regular customer of hers and Candace has been hacking away at ant electronics that Colleen has on her. She has finally gotten a location on Bruce. He is living in an assisted care facility. He pretends to have dementia and uses a wheelchair to get around. We have seen him in action and he leaves and comes back. How no one has noticed this makes me know they don't take good care of their patients there.

We finally have an opening and Colleen has set it up to grab Mia and Anastasia when they meet Robert and Ruth at dr Greene's offices. I am powering my wheelchair into the van and I drive off and have my phone along with everything else I will need. As I get to the meeting place I wait until I get the text from Colleen. I see the text saying to open the van up and roll out to the other van waiting for me across the parking lot. I see Colleen as she rolls the window down and tells me she has them plus Mia.

I am told to do as I am asked or they will make sure that I am permanently disabled. I look at the face of Alexander Androvich. He has a gun pointed at my head. He drags me to a van in the parking lot and grabs my phone and texts Bruce to our location except across the parking lot out of camera range. I watch as Mia, Anastasia, Robert and Barney walk out to a VW bus and drive off. He watches as Bruce drives up. He texts him and has me roll down my window to call Bruce over. He tells me that if I do anything to alert Bruce he will assure I can't move again. I will definitely be put into that same nursing home we chose.

I watch as Bruce rolls closer to the van and he is getting suspicious but it is far too late. Colleen failed to notice the under covers ready to grab Bruce. All in medical garb and mixed in with the other people in medical garb. I used their own trick against them. One plunges a needle into Bruce's neck as I plunge one into Colleen's neck. They will be going back to the nursing home for good. We head over in the van Bruce stole and strap them into the gurneys. A friend gave me something that will assure they spend the rest of their lives trapped inside a useless body. This friend lost his daughter to them and wanted in on the capture. Jason was happy and so was Ray. I finally got to meet my children, but we didn't tell them who I am. Christian knows the truth because he was too clever not to catch on to anything going on with his family.

I can't move or speak when I wake up. I just see the ceiling and it looks drab like the nursing home we hid Bruce in. I hear people talking to me but I can't respond. One looks at me and smiles. Omg he is the one that they left alone with comatose patients. Bruce caught him on top of one of the coma patients and he couldn't prove it or draw attention to himself. I had to escape this guy when I walked to my car. Now he gas me in his clutches until my body gives out.

I can't move and everyone is wondering how this happened to me and ran all kinds of tests on me. They discovered a weird drug in my blood but can't counteract it. It has already did the damage. I can't talk or anything but my eyes. I hear a voice and he looks me in my eyes and tells me to get used to my condition because it is permanent. I know the face and the voice of James Woodward and I recall his daughter. I know that I am never going to be out of this place again. I know how they treat their patients, especially ones in my condition. He leaves me with my hysteria.

James taps the van and says thanks and keeps walking. No point of making contact after we solved our problems. My children are safe from the Duncans for good. The children they had were given back to their families. The people working with them were all arrested. I drive to the graveyard and place daisies on Constantine's grave and place a pebble on the top of it. It is time for me to leave and help others. It's a good thing that I am independently wealthy and can afford to help others solve these issues. Sadly not enough turn out this way.

Everything is resolved and they have videos of Bruce and Colleen Duncan and we will know everything that goes on with them now.

I am watching everything with Ray and if that had been anyone other than someone intending to kill our children I might feel bad about it, but they were going to kill them and anyone who got in their way. Good luck doing it now.

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