Love Blooms

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I fell madly in love with a medical student who is in the same classes as Anastasia. Ruth Lewis is probably the most beautiful girl since Julie Johnson. Julie however had her eyes set on Christian and she finally found a way to get him interested in her. After that I decided to just throw myself into my school and nothing else. Four years later and I met Ruth when I met Anastasia for lunch. It was love at first sight. She is not ready to date anyone right now because she wants to become a surgeon just like Anastasia. She has had a hard life and her family is depending on her to be the first of her family to succeed. So we just study together. All three of us.

Ruth Lewis
I can't let our feelings get the better of us because we need to obtain our goals and get our medical license and a good job. Anastasia is a good buffer between Roger and I, but that is going to change when we get our internships. She has an in at Seattle Grace hospital because she has known Dr Grace Grey most of her life. She refuses to use her connections to get any position. So I am on the short list to get the prized internships at Seattle Grace.

Three months later I am walking in with Anastasia to start our internships. Roger is in a different area of the hospital already in his second year. Three years and we test for our medical license. Now it gets tougher on all of us. Roger helps us study and we help him. That way we can get a jump on what we need.

Andrew Lewis
Roger Steele has asked for Ruth's hand in marriage and he has a bright future but I want Ruth to achieve her goals first. I agree to give him my blessings as long as they both get their degrees and pass the licensing tests. For him that is a year before Ruth.

Angela Lewis
I want more for Ruth and our children and am not sure Roger is what is best for Ruth. I keep it to myself and we concentrate on getting the triplets to study hard for their college degrees. Abigail, Ana Maria, and Alissa are all right behind Ruth to get their degrees. All business majors. Then there are the boys triplets again, we stopped after that. David, Dallas and Denver are unsure what they want to do, but finally decided to go into architecture and construction like Elliott Grey the other billionaire we have met because of Anastasia Steele, Roger's baby sister. Mia is a dear friend of hers. We met Mia and then Dr Grace Grey at the hospital. I had no idea Anastasia and her family were so close to the Grey family. They could have pulled strings to get their internships but they didn't and neither did Ruth. All of them got it on their own scholastic achievements. Ruth and Roger are dating now and engaged. They are going to be married soon and a family and friends wedding.

We get together with the Lewis family and talk over the wedding plans for Ruth and Roger. I am having Elliott build them a home for their wedding gift on a parcel of land near us. Anastasia already has a home built there and has everything up and running. She earned a lot of money doing various things for very wealthy people. They asked her to do errands for them and tipped her well. She invested her money in stocks and had enough money to build on her part of the land. A five bedroom house with a pool and a pool house. She moved in it her second year of college. Carla helped get it furnished and I built her various pieces of furniture for the bedrooms and dining room. Jose jr helped build her cupboards. He has taken over the studio that Elizabeth Morgan lost when she was found guilty of being a pedophile and a human trafficker. He has been having a hard time of it so he started taking on jobs woodworking and building specialized furniture and other items.

Anastasia is not really dating anyone and she has no plans of marrying anyone until she is a surgeon. I laugh because I know she has a thing for Christian and sadly he is engaged to marry Eileen Ford a model he met in New York. His parents have yet to meet her. Grace thinks she is avoiding them and so does Carrick. Christian has met her family and friends but she hasn't been able to meet anyone on his side.

We made arrangements to go to New York and meet the Fords and we set up a dinner date and they failed to show themselves. To say we were mad was an understatement and I voiced my opinion on it all and I had a background check on the whole family. Carrick definitely said it was not what one would do to people who flew across the country to meet you for dinner. They failed to even call to cancel the dinner.

The day after we got back from the New York an article about Eileen appeared stating that she eloped with her photographer Jose Rodriquez Jr. I nearly choked because I had no idea they worked together. I knew he had been shooting models but he couldn't tell us who. Ray didn't even know he knew Eileen Ford. I doubt Christian knew it either. The wedding was nice and very tasteful and didn't take a lot of effort. I know our children's weddings aren't going to be like Roger and Ruth's. The Lewis's are very nice and hard working people.

I handed the keys to the house over to Ruth and Roger after they were married. Ray handed them the deed and the housing plans. Plus the security codes to get in the gates. It was my best work on a family home. We got it done quickly and it was a gift from all of us. They had a three day honeymoon in their own home.

I am watching the wedding of Roger and Ruth and I am sad. Eileen showed all the signs of backing out of our engagement. When no one from her family called or showed up to meet my family I wasn't stunned to see she had eloped in the newspapers. What shocked me is who she married. Jose Rodriquez jr. Apparently was her photographer for her head shots and then got her seen by all the agencies in New York. She never mentioned his name. So I am sitting with Mia, Anastasia and Kate who don't have dates either. Elliott has another one of his friends with benefits with him. Mom has said not to bring her with him. Louisa Hardin is nothing but trouble. I need to get away from them, so I ask Anastasia to dance, Mia refused to dance with me.

Christian was getting annoyed by Louisa and I can't blame him she is all over Elliott and she tried with Christian but he moved away from her. We dance and he is a great dancer, but I am tired so three dances are enough for me. I thank him for the dances and we go sit down together and enjoy our food and then the bouquet throw. Kate caught that and Elliott caught the garter. Louisa wasn't thrilled to see Kate catch the bouquet and Elliott the garter. Christian asked me to go out to dinner with him and I decided to go and have a meal with him. I didn't know he was taking me to his Mile High Club and it was great. Unfortunately paparazzi got photos of both of us coming and going to the place and it hit the papers and the web. I had to have security take me to work and school. People think that I am the reason Eileen broke off the engagement and eloped with Jose jr. Dad had it all taken down and the photographs were eliminated. Barney Miller and Arthur Welch helped with that. Christian made an announcement that if they wrote about us again without facts he would sue all of them.

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