Three Steele Surgeons

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Roger is watching as I am finally a surgeon and so is Anastasia. Roger has already performed plenty of surgeries. He definitely is good at his job. Anastasia and I will be on the surgery schedules as soon as we get our licenses. I can't wait for that to happen. Mom and dad are very proud of us all. All of us got our degrees and we are paying our student loans off without their help. Our home was perfect and very close to Anastasia and his parents. My family comes to stay with us occasionally.

I love Ruth but we are still newlyweds and her family coming to stay is one thing, but they stayed six months so far. She finally told me they lost their house and I told her she should have told me that and we made up and I said nothing to her parents. They finally got back on their feet and moved out to a place they could afford. They did maintenance work for the company that owned the place. Dad was behind it, I didn't tell my in laws about it and thanked dad quietly for his help.

I helped with the issue of the in laws moving in with Roger and Ruth. I quietly put a bug in an ear and that got the Lewis a home and a maintenance position. Christian was great about it and so was Elliott. It actually benefited both of them to hire someone they knew and could trust. I got a gift from both Elliott and Christian by suggesting this solution. It was a housing project that they built so low income families could have a nice home to live in. So the Lewis parents were now able to live there and maintain the new houses as needed. The basically were managing the housing in that complex.

I have been more careful about taking Anastasia out to dinner because of the last incident. I have became very fond of her. My parents don't know we are dating and grandma Trevelyn is still urging us to give her great grandchildren. Elliott is 32 years old and has escaped three pregnancy scares lately. He has finally started dating Kate Kavanagh and seems very happy. So are the Kavanagh parents. Ethan tried to ask Mia out but she knew his reputation and refused. Barney asked her out and she said yes, she saw him in a suit and she was shocked. He got my dad's permission to ask her out. Of course he checked with me because I am his boss after all. I gave him the okay but he better not break her heart. So far so good. Barney has plenty of money and he could retire and earn money off his inventions. He likes to keep in the game though and his home is amazing and very technologically advanced. He has allowed me to use some of his inventions to help with medical equipment advancement. Mom has worked alongside Barney and came up with devices to use of premature babies. The man is a genius.

Christian and Anastasia have been dating for a while and haven't really committed to anything yet. I told Christian not to hurt her or break her heart. He is 30 and has a lot of women and some men trying to hook up with him. He has turned some very beautiful and persistent women down in front of everyone. They thought if they got him in front of a large group of people they could ask him to dance with them so they could get him away from Anastasia. He turned them down flatly and took Anastasia dance instead. I watched as the woman was mad as hell and had security make sure she didn't get close to Anastasia or Christian again.

As much as I want grandchildren I also want my children to have their careers. Getting pregnant can be a career killer and I don't want that for Anastasia or Ruth. They are all doing very well and just starting their careers. I want them to complete their dreams and that includes saving lives. Ray knows how I feel about this, because we moved to Seattle because I couldn't get enough clients to pay off my school debts. We paid them off in three years after getting some very good jobs. Working with Carrick Grey built my reputation and I became a partner after five years of hard work. Ray worked hard as well and had two or three jobs going while keeping our children safe and healthy we shared raising our children.

Andrew Lewis
I am proud of all our children especially Ruth and I want her to excel in her career. We are now in a better home and we manage the housing addition and maintenance. It was better than what we had before. Our skills are put to good use and we get a nice salary and a nice home to live in. Our children have all their college paid for and we are thrilled.

Angela Lewis
All our children have finally graduated and have great careers. I want all our children to build their careers and put their educations to good use. I can wait for grandchildren and will. I don't envy the women who show me their grandchildren's photos and ask me when I will be a grandmother. What I see is the mother gave up her career to have those children and are wasting their education, that they still owe money on to be home and live on one income and struggling from paycheck to paycheck. In some cases the husband works two jobs and they are having marital issues or they found a new spouse who is working and they met her at their job. I won't let that happen to my children. I will make sure of it. Even if I take care of my grandchildren myself.

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