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Elliott is finally going to get his degree in architecture he has been working at a construction company during the times he isn't chasing girls. He has had two pregnancy scares and luckily he learned his lesson from those and so did everyone else including his sister and her friends. The girls weren't quiet about it when they came to tell him and us about the possibility. Of course we had to do a wait and see and it turned out the girls had both had a medical condition that caused them to have pregnancy symptoms. We paid for the doctors diagnosis. The girls weren't allowed to see Elliott again. Mia, Kate and Anastasia were all there when the girls came two months apart, so we had to have their parents pick them up so they could discuss the issue with them. Grace and I got stuck in those conversations and Robert Steele said Ray had already told them about human mating rituals. He just wanted us to explain it after all the hoopla from the girls had put everyone through. Ray was very serious about listening to our explanation and then laughed and told us that he and Carla made sure both their children knew about sex. Well about the mechanics of it, not the actual descriptions of how it is exactly done. Grace handled it while I stammered a bit and I think I made it worse.

After we finally got through the explanations and the laughter we took Christian and Elliott into the office and had a long talk about birth control and condoms and they fail all the time and they need to be more careful about having sex. That's when we found out from both boys that Elena Lincoln had molested several of their school friends and that they knew about her fetishes thanks to photos being released in their school. We tried to get them to inform on the people who showed them these photos, but they said they couldn't because no one would claim them. Apparently they were found in the boys locker room and were being passed around. They suspect that Elena herself was behind the photos being left there because it happened at more than one school. No one told the principals or any authority. Now we need to have this investigated. Apparently they disappeared as soon s they appeared. It was like a very short period of time. This didn't make me happy that they kept this from us. They promised us they would tell us if anything like this happened again.

The teen years are going to kill me and Carla and there is no doubt of that. Please don't let my two decide to have sex before I die. I plan to live a very long life. Oh geez I picture the guys that will be chasing after Anastasia. Robert is already having girls contact him. Carrick and Grace have dealt with their teenage boys and both are sexually active. Glad Anastasia is too young to be thinking about having sex, or even dating. Crushes on boys have started though. Carla has that under control at this stage.

We have further discussions about this topic when we get home and then we talk about strangers and especially Elena Lincoln the one they actually came in contact. It was a very long time ago but somehow they recalled her and that we gave them the impression she was not to be trusted and we were right. Ray was right not to work for Richard Lincoln too. The fact he had no idea he was married to someone that was head of a human trafficking organization was beyond belief. But he came back to clear his name. He left her with all his company and sold his home and left for New York and retired. Raymond sensed something was off and it was.

I have been working hard and getting good money and grades. I even had been offered an internship at a studio and mr Steele said it was a good idea but he said I could still work for him when I was able to. I liked working for him but I could use the exposure at the studio. Mom and dad need to give written permission. I hope that I have time to do some work with Ray as well. I got permission from my parents. Elizabeth Morgan was the owner of the studio and I get paid for different jobs for them. So I have to keep my grades up and try to balance everything. Dad drives me to school and mom picks me up and takes me to the studio after I do my homework and shower. Eating is a must and mom makes sure that I am well fed. Raymond ran a background check on Elizabeth Morgan for my parents. After Elena I keep my eyes and ears open and my distance from anyone who seems too friendly to me. I don't take rides from anyone but people I trust. Those are the Grey, Steele and my own family and once or twice Ethan Kavanagh.

Jose Sr.
We agree to allow him to become an intern for Elizabeth Morgan and arrange rides to and from the studio as well. Between me and Paloma and then the Steele's, Grey's and the Kavanagh family we have it all covered. He is not allowed to accept rides from anyone we don't know and trust completely. After what happened we are super cautious about everything. The stories we heard about what Elena was capable of we just don't think we can protect our children enough.

I really don't like Elizabeth Morgan and I think I would never like her. Something about her is causing my hair to stand on end. I would like to have her followed and checked out her activities and make sure she doesn't have a thing for minors. We have had a talk to h8m and Ray has set up tracking on a medic alert bracelet he wears just in case. Okay we are very overprotective of Jose jr. after everything no one can blame us for being that way.

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