An End Of Isolation

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Caseworker Leigh
I look at the small girl they brought in to the hospital and she looks so frail in that isolation tented over her crib. They are still trying to stabilize her. Her mother and father succumbed to the COVID virus and she is all alone fighting for every tiny breath. Prayers are what she needs along with a miracle. Her mother made the 911 call just before she died and left her front door open for the EMTs to come in to save her, her husband and little Sarah. The doctors are working hard to save her along with all the other COVID patients they have gotten.

I am working hard and do are all the other medical staff that are still with us. All of us had our shots and wear protective masks and clothing along with gloves to care for the patients. I look at little Sarah and she is getting better with everything we are doing for her. Josie has been watching her closely along with the out children she has to figure out where to place them after they finally get well enough to leave the hospital. Sarah Douglas is all alone and has been unconscious since she has been here. She is stable now but that can change in a second.

I am getting exhausted and so are Ruth and Robert, I can only imagine what Grace is feeling like. She is pushing herself harder than we are pushing ourselves. Carrick has insisted she comes home and takes time to sleep. A lot of us are just going through the motions. Robert and Ruth have decided to go home and come back in the morning and I do the same. Christian is waiting for me at home. Teddy is going to be happy to see his mommy. I tell them goodbye and say goodbye to Grace. She is with Sarah who is wide awake and being held by Grace. I think she's very attached to the little girl. I wave at her and take my leave.

I am working on some briefs and finally getting them done and heading home and hoping that Grace is coming home. It's been a rough six months and COVID has taken its toll on all of us. Graces father didn't survive his battle with it and then her mother followed him a month later. We have been praying no one else passes away from it. Eamon caught it from his latest conquest and died within a week of her dropping him off at the ER and she left him there. She never returned to check on him. We don't even know who she was. Enid and Olivia saw to it he had a nice funeral, I guess the latest conquest emptied his accounts and left town with his car. They caught up with her driving around California. Of course all the money was spent by then. She couldn't get the life insurance even though she had tried to. I was the attorney of record for his will. All three of them have their wills with me. I delegated different attorneys to do the actual processing of the documents and they are the executors as well. Our firm made sure everything was kept private from the others. Grace has been working on saving a little girl at the hospital, I suspect she has became attached to her. I can't imagine how she is going to act when the little girl leaves and is placed with foster parents while they try to track down family members.

Barney and I have been keeping the children safe from COVID and we hope it gets better soon. Things are hard to get delivered to the restaurant and we are losing business as well. It's getting hard to keep employees and some have left because they can't get their hours in. I am thinking we need to suspend business for now and I think about the staff who are really loyal. We have came up with other options and train them to do other things. Barney has a few ideas that might help us.

It has been tough and everyone is facing some challenges but I am glad that we chose to create emergency funds and backup plans for things that could change our incomes. Mom and dad are doing good holding up on the technology. They haven't had to lay anyone off yet. They have lost people though. GEH has lost people to COVID and they got hit by economic issues, but they diversified yet again and brought back their incomes. I helped create a few new jobs and found ways we could stay healthy and we got into several new businesses and we started doing much better in the market.

Things were hard and I had to get out there with the crews and hire new staff to train after we lost numerous workers to COVID. I survived it and so did my wife and child. Grandma and grandpa were a huge shock to all of us. The funerals were quiet ones because many people were ill. Kate was still sad about her father dying. It was like a funeral every week in the last six months.

I am six months pregnant and they have told me that I will be having my baby in a special isolation ward and no one can be there other than Elliott. Visitation will be behind glass windows until we leave the hospital, after they make sure we are both healthy. Dad missed seeing both my children on their birthday. We have gotten close to my siblings and their children. Olivia and mom are good friends now.

Things are starting to get better after a lot of hard work. Roz had to take time off after losing Gwen to Covid. Their children were ill and they are finally well again and Roz is determined to keep them safe. I can't blame her at all. She has started working from home and it is helping greatly. Jack Hyde has stepped up and sales have improved on all books. I guess we hit all time sales during Covid on every aspect of GEH's publishing and on line businesses. We really expanded into all kinds of on line businesses. Barney has hired numerous people to set up and run each individual businesses and on one main server.

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