Word Got Around

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GEH hired HR people to start hiring staff for our new offices here in Seattle and they assured that everyone assed the background checks we asked them to run. We had to fire the company for lying about the background checks. A third of the people they sent to us had never had backgrounds ranging from on them at all. If they had we wouldn't have even let them in the door. We canceled all the interviews they company set up after finding this out and dad gave me the number of a good attorney who was looking to head a corporate office and GEH would be a good fit. So I talked to the lady and she is as good as she says she is. Hannah Collins started out very young knowing she wanted to be an attorney. She is 25 years old and her name makes her seem older. I had to tell Elliott that she is off limits to him and dad luckily already told Hannah about him.

I found a very reputable headhunting company that soon signed to hire our staff and they agreed to sign the contract and be held liable for any damages from hiring the wrong people. We had an iron clad contract that if we found out they didn't do their due diligence in background checks they would lose their contact and have to return all funds back to us. We finally got a great head of HR and they took over the hiring of their department and then moved on to hiring everyone else. Within a month all employees were hired and they signed the NDAs and non compete contracts along with being drug tested and run a fingerprint verification process before we completed the hiring. We had one that we had an issue with and it was corrected, the police department screwed up and the gentleman was hired after he proved that it was incorrect. He sued the police and he won. He is working as my second in the legal department.

I have had a huge fight with Elena about the money she was expecting from me. We weren't exactly quiet about what we were arguing about and others who heard the fight knew who we were exactly and what we had done. I have been hurt pretty badly by family members of victims. Elena has been moved to solitary confinement until they figure out where to send her. They have left me in the general population. I am watching my every step. Guards are around but they can only do so much because they can't watch me and the others who want me at the same time. I got word that Elena got what was coming to her and I am next along with the other women they caught at the clubs.

Augusta Reyes
I was framed by these women and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and no one believes me. Except these two who set me up and got photos of me discovering the teens naked and tied to beds. I was doing undercover stories and I was about to break the story after reporting them to the police. Had I known how big their organization was I would have gotten the authorities to arrest them. But getting proof was hard. I finally got it and was arrested the same day. I decide to get them to exonerate me by telling what they did. The victims couldn't be sure if I had done anything to them or not. I steer clear of the battles with Elena and Elizabeth and the other prisoners who want them dead. They would look at me first and we are still filing appeals. My luck would be that I am caught with the murder weapon. I was right, they found the murder weapon in my cell under the bed frame. Now I am being charged for murdering not one but both Elena and Elizabeth. I refused to touch the weapon and they throw me in solitary confinement until I confess. I missed my appeal date.

Three weeks later they caught the real killer couldn't let me be held responsible for her actions. She also knew that I wasn't guilty because she was there that day and got caught and she was just trying to find her children. She couldn't speak or understand English. She spoke Russian and she had been trying to find her missing babies who now are teenagers.

I just barely got released when I confronted Elizabeth in the showers. We were fighting when she fell down and blood was gushing from wounds on her back. I then felt a sharp pain and it was constant pain and I fell down by Elizabeth. I watch as no one gets help, I then see Augusta smiling as she walks away to rinse the blood off whatever she has in her gloved hands. I call for help but no one wants to help us. Some say we got better than we deserved and spat on us.

Constantine Androvich
I finally admitted to stabling Elena and Elizabeth and they dropped the charges against Augusta and I proved that she hadn't done anything to any teens. Her appeal was reviewed adding my statement to it and she was released and apologized to. She plans on suing them and wants to help me get a psychiatrist to help me get diminished capacity and transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

Roger Williams
I didn't even see it coming but it did and here I am in the hospital after surgery was performed on me to salvage my private areas. I nearly bled out and they saved me, knowing that I would be having a colostomy bag and eye through a tube inserted in what is left of my penis. My balls are gone completely. The pain I am feeling is horrible. I am hoping for death at this point. Unfortunately they are keeping me alive for the trials. Bernie, Leila, and Genie are in witness protection at this point.

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